Questions raised about Lyme disease treatment in Manitoba - CTV 29-04-2016
Warmer temperatures and sunny skies have Manitobans looking ahead to spending time outside. While Manitoba Health is reminding people to be proactive ...
Lyme Awareness Month
This is a video for every lyme patient, every M.E. patient, every doctor, lyme specialist, scientist, and loved ones of people suffering Please watch to the end, this ...
There are many of us standing in solidarity with you. Twenty years in and
four times bitten, each time with co-infections, I applaud you for stepping
up and raising Lyme awareness. Together we can make a difference. I admire
your courage and wish you all the best in finding solutions to help you
towards better health.
+Lynne Novak I agree. The only way to make change is for the Lyme and ME community to come together. Research will show in coming years that ME is directly associated to a new form of Lyme disease, along with MS and Autism also. It's heartbreaking so many decades of time have been wasted due to psychological (failed) theories.
+Theresa Markowitz . Hi, you ask a good question, unfortunately they simple answer is sick people are too expensive to fix when to fix it, it's a global health problem far bigger than AIDS. Chronic Lyme disease will be associated to ME as the research progresses. If you're interested, research Professor Kenny De Meirleir, he has found out hat PWME immune inflammatory profile is identical to those with Chronic Lyme and they both suffer from the same disabiilities and co-morbidities such as POTS (as do people with Ehler's Danos Syndrome). EDS, POTS, ME - not the same disease, but will all be associated to Chronic Lyme and autoimmunity in the future.
+Michael “Myke” Caprarella Lyme can be fatal. Look up Lyme Carditis and Lyme Sudden Cardiac Death. Lyme also can kill patients who are long term sick. There are patients in the USA who have Lyme disease recorded on their death certificates. I recommended the following documentary on Lyme: Under the EightBall. They have a Facebook page for the film, very tragic.
Battling Lyme Disease On Beacon Hill - WGBH 02-05-2016
The battle for long-term treatment of Lyme disease makes its way to Beacon Hill. The latest statistics from the CDC show that 96% of confirmed Lyme disease ...
Doctors in Canada warn of false positives in U.S. testing for Lyme disease - 31-08-2015