(ShowTime At The Zone) TNA Impact Wrestling 7-25-13 Review
Upcoming 2013 UUA General Assembly in Louisville - The VUU #12
After an alphabectical introduction, we talk about this general assembly in Kentucky where we've got a special worship service and all kinds of good stuff going ...
Wow, that was horrible. i think a key challenge is reflected in the
statement by a colleague whose career has not been blocked due to gender
identity, "the bathroom isn't the place to start the revolution." If
there's a revolution it started in other places a long time ago. Failing to
notice that is a problem, and failing to get "the revolution" to a place
that discomforts the privileged enough to be noticed seems to me to be
progress for the revolutionaries.
From Rev. Meg Riley, " I want to state clearly and publicly how sorry I am
that The VUU on Thursday was hurtful to many people, including friends I
care deeply about and people I will never meet whom I also care about. A
lesson I have learned over and over, sadly often by making mistakes and
transgressing boundaries: Jokes by privileged people when oppressed
people's lives are at stake are just not very funny." (1/2)
"What I DON'T want is for our mistakes to end an urgent and timely
conversation about gender identity and privilege. I don't want to model
liberal guilt and silence/ shutting down. I would love to hear from folks
what we could do to use this 'teachable moment' to model a positive
experience that actually fosters more learning and connection! All
suggestions welcome." (2/2)
Hank, this "some people are saying..." argument is not constructive -- you
know how destructive that is in congregations. Wouldn't it just be
healthier for us to speak for ourselves?