+Sally Home Late reply, but here goes. I couldn't see it at first, but I adjusted my screen colours and realized that there is a door behind her and behind that is a case, likely for a guitar - I recognized the silver latch that closes them! It's standing up behind the door to her left, but because both are so dark, they just blend together. :)
The Clutter Clean-Up Sweepstakes! Feat Lorie Marrero (ClutterDiet.com)
//Facebook.com/Swingline Thank you for entering! The sweepstakes is now closed. Summer is just a few short weeks away! Here at Swingline® we want to ...
Mudder SD Card/Gadget Case
Great little case. I use it for my car and to travel. I have all kinds of stuff in mine. I filled it with things I need like wet wipes, tissues, file, things like that. I have it in ...
Get Organized with Lorie Marrero! Feat the Swingline™ Stack-and-Shred™