Irving Kirsch - Q & A: Antidepressants Risks and Advices
Expert Panel Host: Irving Kirsch (A podcast version of this video is available on iTunes.) • Irving Kirsch is Associate Director of the Program in Placebo Studies at ...
SSRISTORIES.COM has a collection of 4400+ news stories with the full media article available, mainly criminal in nature, that have appeared in the media ...
Next month (June) will be 1 year sinCE i got off the stupid meds I was on
for 3 years. I was poisoned for that long....and I am very young. when I
was on withdrawal, it was the most difficult few months I ever had to
endure in my life. I wanted to kill myself but I didn't want to. I am doing
fine now but those difficult months I will never forget.
SSRI's Are Pure Garbage...I have studied these useless drugs since 1990 and
I can't beleive Dr's give shit out..This video confirms it..and breaks my
heart. RIP all of you..You aren't suffering anymore. :(
I nearly killed myself during withdrawl from Paxil 9 months ago. I'm still
alive, but I know, how these people suffered. I'm Paxil-free now , but it
was the most dificult thing I've ever done in my life.
I was on lexapro and it made me have suicidal thoughts. I live in Atlanta
and was pissed BC I could not climb to the top of the Bank of America Bldg
and jump.
This is my favorite episode of the podcast so far but now you got me all
worried about you, dude. I hope your condition continues to improve. By the
way, your music rocked WAY harder than I had expected. A mellow guy like
you, I thought it would've sounded like a mix between Bob Marley, Bob
Dylan, and Simon and Garfunkel.
Ha! Hi Django, glad you liked it! I think I'll be alright. It seems the puking and the "oh no, I think my mind broke!" part are over....or so I hope! :)
CCHR: Antidepressants & Psychiatric Drug Side Effects Search Engine
// For the first time the side effects of psychiatric drugs that have been reported to the FDA have been decrypted and been made available to ...
I put the link on my blog u sent out. ur missing quite a few adverse
reactions from some drugs, as in permanent harm, i was brain body damaged
from lamictal cocktail & another drug I was on for years imovane, valproic
acid and tegretol started acute dystonia w/siezures, i have dystonia &
every muscle ligament damaged in my body 4 life, still not on my medical
records, collusion, they isloaed me & left me badydamaged & convulsing
every day, i near dead.; they above rule of law.=criminals
You usually hear two different things. 1: Psych drugs helped me in some
way. or 2: Psych drugs ruined my life/caused my [insert relation] to commit
suicide. For the people who benefited in some way, I say kudos. For the
people who were misdiagnosed and were wrongly given a prescription for a
potentially dangerous drug, all because there are no actual biological
tests to diagnose a mental disorder... I say my heart and my thoughts are
with you and your family.
I always try to point that out to people, a pharmaceutical commercial is no
different than a toy commercial, car commercial, etc. because it's put on
the tv by a for-profit corporation. Their product happens to be crazy
pills. They start by saying "that's not fair" because they are ...
supposedly ... Helping people.
Awesome - anyone who takes Psychiatric drugs after seeing this info would
need to be bananas to think that there was something to gain or that these
were actually designed to HELP someone. Thanks for bringing this to light.
BRAVO again CCHR! Thank you for keeping us informed and trying to keep the
scales balanced. It's only a matter of time before the public realizes
what's going on with Big Pharma.
Search Engine Optimization is a very effective tool for marketing
especially for big pharma. They have the best marketing in the world filled
with lies.
and the ones who say the drug helped me in some way are the ones who just
started taking them... give him time - they will turn into the second