//bit.ly/rBA7Qm This off-season, the Columbus Zoo is pushing for more people to take advantage of the opportunity to experience the sights, sounds and ...
Brandy6304, I'm the girl in this video and we were able to touch one koala.
In all likelihood, either the zookeeper giving the tour didn't feel
confident that she could prevent any possible mishap, or one of the koalas
that you can touch was not inside at the time. They are in a zoo, but
remember that they are still animals and it's not worth it if the animal is
temperamental and harms you or your child.
Columbus Zoo polar bear out in public eye
The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium polar bear, Nora, made her public debut.
The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium released this video update on polar bear cub Nora.
Holiday lights along Scioto Mile in Columbus, Ohio
Thousands jam Scioto Mile Park in downtown Columbus, Ohio as holiday lights are illuminated Friday night. Columbus Dispatch video by Doral Chenoweth III ...