Heavy snowfall has caused chaos for commuters in parts of the country. Leeds Bradford Airport was forced to close but has now reopened. The Met Office is ...
I did not know whodunnit. Spending too much time watching about the wife of
the Northern Ireland chief minister who had a boyfriend 40 years younger
than her.... and why not I say. If she can do it then so can we when we get
to her age!! (Of course I was thinking of a girlfriend.....)
extreme weather.people are panics and worried.wow.i see max 5cm of the
snow.today is 7.01.2010 and in Warsaw is really maybe 30cm snow on the
streets and it is normal becouse is a winter time.now is -(minus)12 degrees
and tonight will be -20 maybe -25.
Well that sure puts thing in perspective don't it? Well done Alan. Still
I'm pleased I don't live there though. When ya going to do some more on the
camps in Poland with your new camera? You are creating an important record
don't let it lapse.
Alan you are right. Time for people to "cowboy up," as we say. Here in PA,
it has been below freezing for weeks, we have had several snowfalls, and
everyone is functioning pretty much as normal.
Global warming is here to stay, baby! You had better believe it! Greetings
form frigid Southern California where it feels like 38°F right now
according to Yahoo! Brrrrrrrrrrr...........
I am not certain. I have got some material to post on Chelmno but it is in
Polish. I did not do so much last year. I am also running out of things to
say about the camps!
I think you need to film that "Arbejdet macker frej" sign again before the
Swedes nick it again. Or it maybe the Norwegens next time, they'll never
get it back then.
this is perfetic, they kept exagerating how bad it was going to be and snow
had already passed manchester and there was 10 inches of snow there that
achaully fell