where did you find the pic of Wales at 0:18
It was a nice video if ya need pictures look on devianART and just so you
know some pics you used for Ireland are pics of Scotland
I really really realy want to watch this episode, but I can't find it
online and I can't find any place to buy the DVD here where I live, does
anyone knows where I can watch it online?
+Annisa Maulidina P HEtalia is something which seems happy and innocent on the outside, but is a terrible, badass feelsfucker on the inside. We have HetaOni, Auf Wiedersehen Sweetheart or Gutters and all of them will make you cry like a child. Not to mention the charactersongs, all the pasts and childhoods of the countrys (Russia in special) and goddamn this fandom makes it always even worse on purpose because we love to suffer. Watch it, its worth it though :D
The most dangerous thing on the internet approach with caution and with a clear mind, these crazy fuckers are savage and will tear you to bits if you talk shit about their ship. TREAD CAREFULLY
+The great Hetalian That might have been one about the Holy Roman Empire, because there are many fanfictions in which he, instead of the nicer fact that he lost his memory and grew up as Germany, he died in a war with France. It might not have been one, but that's are the thing a lot of Hetalians seem to be sensitive for. (I once almost cries in a History lesson where we watched a vid of the Holy Roman Empire disappearing, the music in the background was, as well, just so sad!)
It may seem like that, but if you think it deeper, it's sad. They are immortal, and fought in the world wars, so they are not innocent. Prussia was described as a person who would do anything to become strong.
+The great Hetalian Hetalia is about personification of the nations. So America as a person is slightly fat, energetic, eats hamburger, drinks coca-cola, etc. Pratically the stereotypes of countries put into a body. Ask your sister for more info, since she's "The great Hetalian" after all. :)
+Niklas Meißner Das kann daran liegen, dass ich früher immer Spongebob und so gesehen habe, wo das ja hochdeutsch ist, also hat es sich "Nicht-dialektig" auf mich ausgewirkt ;D
Uii :3 Wie lange hast du dafür gebraucht? :0 Ist ganz nett geworden. :3 (zu
viele SmilYYYYS *hust*) "Liebst" du auch Creepypastas? *-* (Falls dir das
Wort: " Lila " was sagst... hello.. it's me xD) ...shit ..hab Fragen
+Jessi Ja blöd nur, dass ich kein Skype habe :D In den Kommentaren chatten ist ja nicht so schlimm xd Wie wäre es, wenn wir per E-Mail schreiben? Könnte sie dir in einer privaten Nachricht schicken, aber nur, wenn du das möchtest :)
+Boernaut 真夜中 Hihi. c: Naja.. das mit dem Team Speak war mir nicht so ganz ..geheuer? .. Aber man hat ja auch noch das gute alte Skype! Schau aber mal bei den Nachrichten auf "msp" vorbei. Bei den Kommis zu "chatten" is ja nicht so schlau :D
+Jessi OH MEIN GOTT, LILA! ENDLICH SEHE ICH DICH WIEDER!!! 1. Es ist wunderbar, dich wieder zu ... "sehen". Was hast du so gemacht? Wir müssen unbedingt mal reden, über Team Speak oder so, das haste ja anscheinend nicht kapiert xd2. Ja, ich mag Creepypastas, aber lieben nicht :D Aber für den ein oder anderen Charaktere schwärme ich ja schon, hehe ;D3. Dafür gebraucht habe ich ungefähr ne Woche, keine Ahnung xd
Vielen Dank!Weiß nicht, wie der da reinkam :/ Flitzer oder so...
Gabbi Draws: Tasty Park [Tasty Network Wallpaper]
This is the wallpaper I drew for Tasty Network! [//www.youtube.com/user/TastyNetwork] It was a lot of work, but I had lots of fun in the process! You can find ...