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Student loan lpc Videos

Policy Household Debt

NDP and LPC comments on Household debt - Factors that drive household debt - Myths on household debt - Mortgage Debt - Student Loans - Lack of Financial ...

User Comments

Thank you for making this post, for Canadians who believes in reality and not just a dream! Thank you Paul!

Trudeau uh - um - err - uh - uh

Justin Trudeau spends most of an interview with Bob Fife of CTV humming and hawing to himself.

User Comments

I'm actually scared for the future with this child in charge of the country. Terrorist having the same rights as us and getting their citizenship back! Is blasphemy!!!!
+Emma Singer you should get help.
How anyone could actually vote Liberal, or NDP for that matter, is well beyond me. Liberal is a mental disorder and this child would still be indoctrinating Canadian children into Socialist propaganda had his name been "Smith", "Johnson" or "MacDonald".
+colin cassell Totally agree. The most ignorant, gullible and thoroughly unqualified leader elected in World history.. My question is did Stephen Harpoon destroy the Conservative Party, Canadian Culture and Conservatism on purpose?Whomever was advising him had their heads totally up their behind. Sedition. Anyone with a brain would have known the blow back of doing anything against the military, especially the vets. The next seditious, actually treasonous venture was the TPP. Harpoon did nothing to confront the crime against "Global Warming". Did nothing to promote Canadian Culture. Did nothing to promote Conservatism to the local, regional or Provincial levels. Did not defund CBC. I could go on for hours.
I don't understand how people voted for him either I really don't , something's gotta be rigged
LOL. Hey this was funny. I just watched his interview with Mansbridge from today and I was honestly thinking to myself that Justin is not a good speaker, he stumbles and stammers constantly. At one point he even said "Nigel Duffy." That's how he is without a script in front of him. He'll never be Prime Minister.
I'm personally a Trudeau supporter but I'm a strong believer in democracy. I wish you the best of luck in 2019. 
+Ava Casey - I know. I didn't have a full grasp of the power of the UN and their Canadian puppet master, Gerald Butts. He writes the scripts, Justin memorizes (as he taught in drama class) or just reads. All words are from Gerald Butts. When there's no script is when we see a deer in the headlights, grasping for a cohesive sentence, it's not the sign of a strong brain. He can memorize text, though, like a dog can do a trick. And let's face it, the amount of sheer vitriol directed at Harper was unlike anything I've ever seen in several decades of voting. Damn social media lol. Ah well. Happy climate change to you and yours this Christmas season :)
+GoTo Hell Yet today he is
One thing for certain, it wasn't produced by a Liberal. And I sincerely doubt it would ever be put together by an NDPer. That leaves some nasty Conservative making certain Justin looks as pathetic as possible. I'm no Trudeau supporter, but I think this was a low thing to do.
It was a joke get over it idiot
This is pathetic. Basically everybody does this. Cutting it all together to make someone look stupid is a total cheap shot. And I'm a card-carrying Tory, it's not like I'm pro-Trudeau. 
+Brick Layer Actually Obama did it more than Trudeau, but Obama has cut back because he knew it affected his credibility. He doesn't do it nearly as much as he used to.
+Brick Layer Same here haha, I googled "justin trudeau uh" and came to this
Obama doesnt. Lots of people do not. In sales we are taught to omit it. It's basic background for public speaking and presenting in general, to cut it out and he is heavy on the ums. I came to this video by a google search based on thinking he aaid it way too much.

Loan Attack

Loan Attack.

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2012 - Mike Leagan Highlights Through First Quarter of La Porte Bulldog 2012 Season

Laurel Pregnancy Center: Janet Lynn Dick 5k for Life

Ken Dryden's speech at Liberal leadership 2006 - Part 1

only a couple minutes into Ken's speech...from coast to coast.

User Comments

what can I say, HE ROCKS!!!

Living in Durham

I lived in Durham, England last year, and this is a little video of clips I took around the city!

Alphas & AKA's at UNC Chapel Hill Project Uplift 2009

the Alpha's and AKA's from UNC Chapel HIll at Project Uplift 2009.

User Comments

They killed it!! they aren't called the first and finest for no reason!!!!
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