Humanitas: Professor Manuel Castells at the University of Cambridge Lecture 2
Professor Manuel Castells, Humanitas Visiting Professor in Media 2011, speaking on 'Social Movements in the Internet Age', November 2011. Humanitas is a ...
In February 2013, Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks gave a lecture on Trust & Trustworthiness, part of a series of lectures on Trust hosted by the Woolf Institute in ...
The problem with this professor, and all college professors, is that they
have the erroneous belief that their lecturing on their subject is the best
form of facilitating the learning of their students, and the learning
research shows that this is not true at all. The problem is that professors
are experts in their chosen field, but not experts in educational
psychology and learning.
A brilliant man here, but a terrible delivery method.
+joe jarden. Yes, this " facilitating the learning of their students" is like spoon-feeding an intellectually lazy crowd. This constructivist neo-bubble has shown where the education in the West led: to loss of rigour, loss of competency and most importantly (and sadly) to an almost complete loss to think critically. Computer-assisted courses in critical thinking won't help you to think critically, will only help you to write up your assignment and pass.
Absolutely marvellous. I just hope I can muster the fortitude to ovecome
Guess's dreadful delivery, the ranting and the screaming. I imagine those
students in the front row are being sprayed by saliva. Please professor
take a tanquilizer.
Well thats a great speech but that professor's is so intensive in his
moves, running left and right all time, like he s ready to explode :D he
makes me nervous.