//passport.explorethebruce.com/passport-stop/passport-stop-2/ The LIGHT at the end of the Peninsula guides boats safely into Big Tub Harbour through ...
Fall mushroom hunting giant puffball mushroom/Calvatia gigantea/how to find wild mushrooms
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When I went to my friends' house in the summer of last year, we went in the
forest behind her house and we found one of these. At the time I had no
idea what it was haha, when we returned from the forest, we tore it up and
had a fight with puffball pieces XD
Lycoperdon perlatum This is the latin name for a common puffball - the
smaller cousin of this big one here on the vid, read the wikipedia article
on this thing - it is not only edible, but has antimicrobial and antifungal
nature - it is tasty too
Yw. Last year we had these everywhere, more than I had ever seen. this one
was kinda small, I have found them over 18" across, probably weighing 10lb
or better. If I find a true giant this season I will make a better vid.
I have only tried them fried with a batter and grilled a couple of
different ways. I hear alot of people say you just have to find the right
way that is good for you. Guess I just haven't found my way yet,lol.
To me it seems to depend on how you cook them. Can range from "moist
cardboard", to a "mildly sweet shroom taste". The texture can also be a
little weird. Peace