Jess Banda, a former U.S. Navy diver, runs a private consultation practice specializing in strength training and structural bodywork, in Mystic, Connecticut.
45 Degree Back Extensions Eccentric Accentuated Feet Neutral
Jess Banda, a former U.S. Navy diver, runs a private consultation practice specializing in strength training and structural bodywork, in Mystic, Connecticut.
Calf Extensions 45 Degree Leg Press Feet Neutral Narrow
Jess Banda, a former U.S. Navy diver, runs a private consultation practice specializing in strength training and structural bodywork, in Mystic, Connecticut.
Squats DB Heels Flat & Elevated
Jess Banda, a former U.S. Navy diver, runs a private consultation practice specializing in strength training and structural bodywork, in Mystic, Connecticut.
Leg Press with Ankle Extension 45 Degree Feet High Medium Stance
Jess Banda, a former U.S. Navy diver, runs a private consultation practice specializing in strength training and structural bodywork, in Mystic, Connecticut.
Inside the Stealth B2 Bomber - Military Documentary
Take a look inside the most advanced, invisible and deadliest aircraft built in worlds history...the B2 bomber. This documentary covers the origins, the growth and ...
The U.S are now masters of the sneak attack, how many country's have felt
the wrath of the sneak attack specialists of the world?
Inertia Squats Back BB Heels Flat One Half Normal
Jess Banda, a former U.S. Navy diver, runs a private consultation practice specializing in strength training and structural bodywork, in Mystic, Connecticut.