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The phoenix vs dr manhattan Videos

Superman vs Dr. Manhattan - Who Would Win? - Death Battle!

Superman vs Dr. Manhattan - Who Would Win? - Death Battle! Alright what's going on guys it's Trev back again here to bring you another video. In this one we ...

User Comments

fuck dr Manhattan vs superman make it dr Manhattan vs lucy who the fuck do you think would win
+Unsounded Flash right! Now, spread the word
That actualy is an interesting one to think about.
dr manhattan vs lobo
ok superman vs dr.m is not a good fight i think Superman prime 1000000 vs dr.m is better soo do that one please
+Edgar Gonzalez kay. :-)
+Kai Xun excuses excueses it doesnt matter
Superman prime 100 million is not an official character today, he is the most powerful incarnation of Superman made in 1991, it's like saying it would be better for kid goku to fight superman, the mordern incarnations of characters should count.
superman wins easly☺
+angel of death lol hahahahahaha
+serial killer ghost superman is a superhero, but doctor Manhattan, he is a god.
+Deandre Nesbitt WRONG..He said God don't exist. But i f he does exist. He is nothing like him
+Junior Eliassaint Dr M. said he wasn't a god
how......he can't beat a god

Vegetto vs Dr. Manhattan

Mi estupido y sensual Facebook :V https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dante-Blak/814792338564755?ref=hl Canal de JSGR Historias de terror ...

User Comments

que mamadas
+Dante Black :v estuvo bueno
+Kratos Death 666 Hahahaha
este top no tiene sentido, bueno si, hacerles ver a los fanboys de goku lo debil que es ante otroa personajes... un top mas decente seria mr. manhatan vs beyonder, shuga borat o nose como se escriba
+piero Flores solo te dire una cosita si es taaaaan fuerte como lo pintan porque no pudo detener todas las bombas nucleares el dijo que dolo podia con el 70% en si si el vegito que se pelea contra janemba le tira ese poder de brillos lo desintegra o como es energia un contenedor de energia lo pudiera contener y no es omiciente si fuera omniciente the wachmen no tendría sentido alguno
+Sandro Gonzalez xd doctor manjatan contra beyonder??? xd jajajaja contra shuma gorat hahahah ah ahhhhahahahhshaaahaahahahahahahahahaha leeeee no te dejes llevar por comentarios leee
eres un pendejo vegetto es un destructor multiversal y doctor manhatan no eso se puede ver q goku en ssj dios azul ya es universal ahora aunque no lo fuera vegetto ssj dios azul ya es docenas de veces mas fuerte q goku ponle q 36 multiplica 6 × 6=36 ya es mucho pero q mucho mas poderoso q wiss y por q 6 por q akira torillama dijo q goku era un 6 bils 10 y wiss 15 vegetto 36 y eso q tomo como mínimo de las docenas q dijo akira, informante bien, ya aunque digan q doctor manhatan es el ser mas poderoso de ficción no es sierto el mas poderoso es (the wana bo bol) jajaja se q no se escribe así.
+Alexis Hernandez ya hice ese versus aun que cometí barios errores :V 
+Dante Black entonces la precensia vs the wana bo boll
+Dante Black ok tienes razón
+Alexis Hernandez Gana el antimonitor es que Tanos solo era universal aun que omnipotente pero en un radio muy corto y commo ya los uses no creo volver a hacer versus con ellos :V 
+Dante Black o dime pues quien gana
Es lo mismo a mi también me gusta ver a gente tarada diciendo cosas como tu.
+Dante Black arias un vs de thanos con el corazón del universo vs anti monitor? si lo haces me mencionas
+Alexis Hernandez :V
+Dante Black jajaja ok nuevo sub perra (ok no)
+Dante Black si manhattan quiere distribuir la materia de vegetto no podría por el campor de ki mejor janemba vs doctor manhattan, ve la película de janemba y escucha la parte en la que goku dice q janemba tiene el poder de acabar el universo y distorsionar el otro mundo y eso q es del mismo tamaño de q el universo así q no seas baboso dime doctor manhattan puede destruir un universo y vegetto ssj dios azul si puede destruir hasta un multiverso pero me gusta ver gente diciendo taradeces como tu
+Alexis Hernandez si la mayoría pero este video esta echo con mi opinión y sobre los comentarios unos apoyan a Manhattan y otros a Vegetto  e igual los likes están bien parejos :V
+Dante Black mira busca vs y en la mayoría gana vegetto de hecho en los comentarios la mayoría dice q te equivocastes
+Alexis Hernandez Calla Perra (OK NO), mira te falta leer comics y no multipliques a lo menso.

Goku VS Dr. Manhattan ¿Quién ganaría?

El más fuerte VS. El super hombre. ¿Te gustó? ¡Dale like y suscribete! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therurschack.

User Comments

como dice itachi del manga de naruto, toda arma poderosa tiene un punto debil, de alguna manera tiene un punto debil el dr manhattan.
+marvin izaguirre absorvedores de energia, controladores mentales, omnipotentes, controladores de la realidad, controladores de la materia mas experimentados lo que pasa es que en watchmen a el lo ven como un dios por ser el unico tipo con poderes en watchmen asi que tampoco es el ser mas fuerte de dc
De que mierda te sirve destruir planetas o tener poderes y punteros lacers luminosos si podes ver el futuro y desmolecularisar a niveles sub atomicos lo que se te cante a hora el goku 100 años despues se iso el creador de las esferas del dragon perooo no significa que no sea un cuerpo y que ya no sea materia osea el supremo kaiosama es un dios y sin embargo es desmaterialsable así como desmolecularisable y mucho menos omnipotente simplemente mucho más fuerte que me parece una wasada decir que vencería a manhattan osea el solo necesita ir a un lugar en el universo donde goku no lo siga o algo así aparte no?
+Agustín Díazpor que los que dicen que es un gran critico son niños medio pendejos pero no manhattan esta lejisimos de la omnipotencia
+Ghost Lo que no entiendo es ocmo mierda puede ser que Dross siendo que Todo el mundo DICE  que es un gran critico y QCYA aya dicho una cosa tan imbecil y fanboy como que Manhattan es omnipotente o que goku es superior a superman en historia bueno puede ser el tema es que el busca lo más absurdo de lo absurdo idijo que como puede ser que batman nunca durmiera y siempre este con tanta energía que yo sepa nunca vi una imagen de goku durmiendo salvo cuando le agarro el sika xD :v okno
+Agustín Díaztampoco puede contra los ataques mentales y como el es 70% energia puede ser absorvido por seres como solus, cosmic spiderman o silver surfer o bien destruido por controladores de la materia mas experimentados como molecule man o el sentry
+Ghost De lo único que manhattann no puede contgrolar es la energía Nuclear osea no pudo contra las bombas del ejercito ni tampoco con las partículas de taquiones
+Agustín Díazsi lo se asi sea un vegetto fase dios es debil contra manhatan
+Ghost goku sigue siendo vencido por manhattan de todas formas por que puede dividir en partículas o  aniveles atomicos de ultima y reensamblarlos o dejarlos en la nada
+Agustín Díaz mahatan no tiene el control de la materia subatomica solo atomica de hecho seres como el sentry o galactus pueden matar definitivamente a manhatan
Al final de Watchmen el Dr Manhattan se fue a crear vida...VIDA. Algún día Goku llegara a ese nivel y podrá ser un rival digno del Dr Manhattan
+Spider Zapato goku creo a gohan y goten

Is this why no one wants to fight Dr Manhattan

Is this why no one wants to fight Dr. Manhattan?

User Comments

Wtf did I just watch
+Angel Antonio Honestly, I'm kinda scared.
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! This is EPIC!!!!

Dr. Manhattan Power

Nothing disappears only transformed! And the transformation depends on you. Maximum Power! songs: Audiomachine - Unfinished Life. 8 Dawn Music - This Is ...

User Comments

this dude can literally create galaxies and can fill them with life
He's God
Im glad superheroes aren't real
+fabio pereira power can consume people. And power within a person, such as the power John has could be very very VERY dangerous in the wrong hands.
+fabio pereira Because OP.
+TurtleHouse Can i ask why?
Hi Alan... Amazing work... brilliant choice of music and scenes... i am a big fan of Dr Manhattan and i want to make a music video of it... can you help me which video editor is easiest for a newbie like me? Thanks Anyways
reminds me of caped baldy tho
+Jagdeep Dhillon Yeah, its called stop being a Hindu editor
I feel fear for the last time..
fukk yo mama
nah goku is
//static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/13/138756/2899872-dr_manhattan_teleportation.pngits easier for him to move a universe, than him moving himself(without killing others I assume)//static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/13/138756/2832719-before_watchmen_dr_manhattan_003_zone_016.jpg//static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/13/138756/2832715-before_watchmen_dr_manhattan_003_zone_003.jpghas control over reality and can even edit reality, which created alternative timelines in doing so. Was limitless  but made himself limitedpretty much overpowered, he is basically a GOD
+Sonic The Ghetto-Hog Productions yup its only common sense. Manhattan is basically omnipotent (or nigh omnipotent)
+TheHmongol No these aren't DBZ Fans. These Are "FanBoys". I am a true DBZ Fan & I know Goku cannot Beat Dr. Manhattan. I don't even Know if Superman Can Beat Manhattan Honestly. but Anyways This is come from a true DBZ Fan.
+BigPunGymitCuz big goku fan, but dr manhattan is way too overpowered
+DBZ Uchiha lol fanboy
me too, dont argue with an idiot. They will only argue back. You can keep your blue hair journey to the west rip off ridiculous over the top storyline and characters and I'll keep my classical iconic superman.
+TheHmongol HAHAHAHA oh my fucking god, oh what is superman prime that you fucking retards always seem to refer to when there's a battle between goku and him? you really are one fucking big hypocrite. and i am done with your stupidity. 
They arnt drastic to the point they announce it and keeps it main cannon. Its not like DBZ where superman will now be known as ultra superman 2 with yellow hair as the story goes. Also superman does not need any new forms each saga or storyline. You wont ever see a super god sayajin superman ultra 6 x30  
+TheHmongol please don't tell me anything about "fanboys" supes power have changed with every serie and every movie he have been in. 
the movies will eventually lead into the saga... the movie is just bait cast for fanboys to see how they percieves it and frankly fanboys have been drooling like its something they have never seen before. ZOMG!! blueeeeeee!!! OMG freeza is back and ZOMG he's orange now!!!! then... bam another saga begins.
+TheHmongol they have gone thru 2 colors in the original series, 2 more if you watch the latest 2 movies which isn't even part of the original series so i have no clue what you are trying to say fanboy. fans like you reminds me of closed cells on an hospital, you will stick there forever and you wont get out.
+lolsa123 yeah but how many forms have gokou gone through, how many more colors will they turn his hair into, how strong and bland is he gonna keep getting and how many numbers are they gonna slap at the end of his form. Theres litterally nothing new about him as he gets "another" form. Fans like you reminds me of Call of duty fans. Same game but OMG a new gun, i have to buy it! 
+lolsa123 anime sucks end of story.
+BigPunGymitCuz You ever see a fed vayne??
+TheHmongol Superman has no limit ;)
+TheHmongol haha oh tell me where the greatness of superman is? oh right, it is an kidstory for retards that think they are better, oh slap him with an new outfit, slap him with glasses and an suit "oh where did superman go" when an marvel/dc character dies, dont worry we will remake this universe and start from zero again and kill him again. it is so "innovative" haha you don't even see your own hypocrisy 
Is all Dbz will ever do, put a number behind a word and suddenly it'd new. I would understand if superman 1, oh no he got stronger he is now super 2 oh wait 3 4 5 6 7. Slap a new hair color and bring back a dead villain and fan boys go nuts. Point is all Dbz will ever do is just make develop him stronger and stronger with a number behind him. The universe is too dumb and ridiculous, no one dies and when they do they can watch from heaven. Overall Dbz is in its own category and should not be compare to any other. It's the reason why marvel earth don't really like to get involve with marvel space. Over all Dbz was made for kids and will always be for kids, now don't make me go all super ultra golden universe sayajin x100 equals 30 divided by 2 carry the remainder god mode on you.
+TheHmongol the only difference in power is that goku keeps training to get stronger and more experienced, while superman? haha it all differs depending on the imagination on the writer, either he is weak as an flying version of captain america, or he is overpowered as prime.he never trains he just "is" how fun is that? the strongest being ever just is born then poff he gains full potential instantly? oh yey, lets hear you again saying that dragon balls story is lame. 
Yeah, but they aren't much of a focus... It doesn't hinder the character or over take it. People will only remember Superman and being a Prime is... think of it sorta like a cameo of what he is capable of. DBZ on the other hand just keeps raising the power over and over and over with new hair color and nothing new. Soon enough the ultimate form of gouku will have him with rainbow hair or some crap. And these stupid and ridiculous forms stays and continues with the story.
+TheHmongol and marvel/dc fans have no limit of stupidity, oh lets hire an new writer/designer with even less imagination than last.congratz we have made yet an other omnipotent character that will have an 1 issue comic but that the fans will talk and compare with other characters for years to come. like superman prime, if you would compare the amount of issues that he is quite weak compared to this one time he got strong due to an writer with an lack of imagination, then the easy comparison is that superman is an weak character. same goes with a lot of characters in both dc and marvel.
+DBZ Uchiha goku wouldnt be able to hit manhatten at all...
Dbz fans have no limit to how dumb that are.
Manhatten can't die, he is just pure energy
+CrimnlBT Goku could one hit ko him easy
+DBZ Uchiha goku couldn't even touch manhattan, because he can dematerialize. on the other hand manhattan could snip with a finger and make goku a cloud made out of blood.
+Martha Igbineweka Nope Goku no contest
+DBZ Uchiha manhattan wins! this is no contest
Goku shitstomps manhatten
+juan mora he wasnt born with them foo. he trained with master rochi when he was a kid after his grandpa died. It would be the fight of the millennium though. I would pay to see it. I don't see any symbolism on gokus story. Manhattan is the power of the people. while goku is the power of his family saving the people. They both wreck shi* up though. idk who would win though. Goku can teleport, man. can teleport. Manhattan has an advantage though creating several copies of himself he can just surround Goku and they can all do what he did to that tank. As much as i like Goku and his moves, Manhattan has the advantage
+BigPunGymitCuz dbz has even less power explanation, fucktard :Ddr. manhattan is explained to be the matter of the universe, hence being everywhere and nowhere.in dbz characters like goku create power from just fucking nowhere. goku got a million times stronger just after a few years of training? fuck that^^and the story of dbz? strong motherfucker appears, everybody fucks up, goku comes back, kills motherfucker... after that stronger motherfucker appears, everybody fucks up, gohan gets angry, nearly kills motherfucker, goku sacrifies, kills motherfucker... after that strongest motherfucker appears, everybody fucks up, goku comes back, kills motherfucker. that was the whole story of the freeza, cell and boo saga.dr. manhattan is based on philosophical aspects and science-based theories.
Explain what's the reason for Goku having his powers, was he jus born with them, cause that's great story telling, and the story is an opinion, you may like DBZ more, and Manhatten doesn't just have super control over all matter and every atom, he controls a huge variety of energies, and can see the future, past, and present consistently, his brain is now more advanced and can think much better then a normal human, and can anticipate what Goku is gonna do before he even does it. Listen to reason and stats and stop with your ignorance about stupid Japanese anime.
+juan mora The truth about Manhattan's powers keeps getting skewed. He is not omniscient. The ability to manipulate matter requires an ability to exert control over it. You can't exert control over a body that is not within your reach/vision. Besides, it's already been established. (Partly due to the fact that DBZ story is a million times better than watchmen - i.e. there is no reasonable explanation for Manhattan's powers... wow. Nuclear experiment gone wrong, please...) Goku dies, comes back from spirit world. His body is no longer matter, also not governed by time.Therefore, wrecks Manhattan. Get owned noob hero.
Lol, Dr manhattan can turn Goku into stone or blow him up with the snap if his fingers, Dr manhattan can see in the future past and present all at the same time and knows what to do to win a fight or can change things so that the future is the way he wants it to be. He can manipulate matter and had control over every atom. Hook luck Goku beating him

SECTION 9 FANTASY FIGHT-(Dr.Manhattan Vs The Spectre) (Created by XXDom23XX.)

User Comments

Spectre is the destruction of god ( god can create) he can destroy. who ever is created, god can destroy.
spectre I meant
Spectre curbstomps +Big Bowss +FãrǾùK Etérnãl GǾd²
+Big Bowss yes indeed , He is Pretty much the new 52 captain but .. Nate has shown To be able to warp reality , manipulate time at his will ...etc He has also shown a Massive Superiority toward & over manhattan who's Nigh Featless check the comment's down below's u'd be surprised lmao .... the fan's think he can creat infinite universes lmao .
+Pre-Historic Kryptonian He is the only metahuman of his universe, of course he is gonna seem godlike in comparaison to regular humans! And he got outsmarted by Ozymandias, who is basically the equivalent of Batman, as he is the peak of human training. He never fought with other superhumans, so its pure speculation to say he could stand against them...
+Big Bowss His only feat was blowing up the tank and he couldn't even cure cancer lmao .Even captain atom and surfer has better feats
This is what Im talking about when I say Dr. Manhattan is overrated. Ive seen people compare him to the TOAA lol
yeah i all ready did my point of view about this vid , it's clearly so stupid  ! ... Spectre would erase Manhattan from existence with just a thought
*This is not even a Mach The blue guy is Overrated .* *Spectre Will judje him and take away his soul .* *Spectre have judjed and fought and beated Being's More power than Manhattan like Anti monitor and Lucifer morningstar , Parallax.....ect* *This fight would end in a Attosecond* *Manhattan is **Featless* *Manhattan with feat's or Not he will lose to Spectre Any time any where*
+Martha Igbineweka If You're talking about Manhattan He's Like New 52 captain atom With Feat's :) , But he's no near Spectre league
well he is the only superhuman in his universe. he doesn't really need to use his full power.
O cara faz um video aonde não conhece os herois que está no próprio video dele!Hhahaha que bosta
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