which metallic cat's did you pick to run? how many cpsi are they? and do
you have any pics of the exhaust set up, it sounds tough as nails! great
sound too!
@GetYourModelOn Thanks! have a fair share of plastic! .... over the last
few years i have been going thru parts pales and bins etc......... thinning
out the herd alittle more, down sizing........ way to much
stuff............. 5 years ago i have some where around 3,500 kits,
builders etc.......... and thinned that way down as well............thanks
for watching i try and add when i can......... good to be back building
again with lifes little set backs............ Build on!!! ...............Mj
@damncranky666 THANKS!!! guess im a pack rat with stuff like that.. never
know when your gona need a small piece or something a tad longer..........
thanks for watching! ................................Mj
What would be the best stuff to use for custom exhausts? Would styrene or
brass work best and how would you go about bending styrene and plastic into
shapes as per making exhaust, etc? Great work!