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Georgia usa stonehenge Videos

Georgia Guides Stones or American Stonehenge

Elberton Ga. A man came into town and payed for the construction of a granite structure. He then vanish and created the mystery of the Amerian Stonehenge.

Georgia Guidestones American Stonehenge Crackheadjesus Illuminati 10 Commandments

The Modern Art music Movement (MAMM) presents, "The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo Visits The Georgia Guidestones". Also known as, The 10 Commandments ...

User Comments

Those words are far too wise and eloquently executed, to be the commandments of a crackhead anything. If those are the goals of the illuminati or any hidden society, I would support them to my dying breath.
//www.theweatherspace.com/haarpstatus-europe/ its down the site at the mo,tere is a fb page link of theris on the site page tho,God bless u and all 
What does that mean. what do you mean by saying Crack head Jesus? Is that your real name? I gonna google Victor Hugo to see who he was.
Dude going to jail for that shit.
lol right on

Georgia Guidestones (American Stonehenge)

User Comments

Take a look at the graffiti. This is a perfect example of the mentality of our species after ten thousand years. And you ask yourself why our numbers shouldnt be deminished.We are a pathetic breed who respect no others nor ourselves.Everyone demands respect yet offers none. We bash, ridicule,and consider weak those who give all of themselves and serve their bretheren. Good luck to those of you who have children! Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it. Keep your faith people!!
@LeahandMark Dude(and/or dudette)what couuld be more "hurtful" than wiping out 9/10s of the earth's population? Christianity is more about loving than hurting. Are you atheist, or just a eugenisist? Look up eugenics and you'll find a movement by which these stones were erected(U.N. directed,btw...); a theory espoused by WH science czar John P. Holdren and others which is absolutely HELLISH, totally opposite of Christianity.
@LeahandMark Their is only one creator and all his judgments were right.He told Israel if they whored after other gods then they would be punished.Are you going to judge God and tell him he's wrong.He Word has never been broken.How could you think a idol that says a pop of 500,000,000 would be ideal.God told man to be fruitfull and mutiply.He is going to burn this earth up and creat a perfect one.Rev20-22
The only people that are scared of these stones are the ones that would be too undesirable to procreate. I don't think that by saying "maintain the population under 500,000" R.C. Christian meant to kill everyone except for 500 million people. I believe that he meant that we should put restrictions on who is undesirable and who would be allowed to procreate.
And the stone stands there bracing itself for an apocalypse... those petty vadalism to me, backfired at christians like saying "we're lillterate and single-minded people". And for the creationists, your god created the people who engineered this stone for a purpose too. Think about it.
This was made a few years back for humanity after a cataclysm. Not as a current set of life choices. I do not agree with it now, but it helps to know the real purpose of it. Think of it as 100 people left on the planet, they find this and go hmm think so.
i saw you posted the video on the 29th. i was there on july the 1st. i told my wife i thought it was rediculous that somebody drove all the way there to throw eggs and draw pentagrams on it. especially when no one really knows why they are there.
The vandalism on this thing disgusts me. I don't agree at all with Christianity for the most part, but I wouldn't spray paint the Sistine Chapel. I have an appreciation for works of art, like all men should. At least some tolerance, please.
well not to be a feramonger or anythin but if we keep multiplying (humans) how is our planet going to maintain HUGE amounts of people in the future? any answer will do cuz now witnessing whats is going on with the BP spill
Ok, so here's a way to do that... if everyone in the world in the next generation had 1 child (out of choice, not out of policy) then the world's population would be cut in half, without going for the lemming way of life.
They take down the ten commandments of God and put that abomonation up.Never take that chip, die for God first ,he has the power over everything and he is to be feared, not the earth, satan or man.
It doesn't necessarily mean that we should kill 90% of people. It means that 500 million is a goal. Selective breeding with humanity. Not saying I agree, just saying what I interpret it as.
Yeah. You know - there are many more Christian documents/statements that are way more hurtful to people than what's written on these Guidestones.
I said that I didn't think that it meant "kill everyone except for 500 million people." Read the comment more than once.
@Evanvids321 and WHO gets to decide undesirables? or what constitutes undesirable. Are you going to die for the cause?
nice video. its nice to see one where the ppl that made it arent talkin about tearing them down.
Tolerance for the suggestion of reducing the global populations by over 90%? Please explain ...
its the vaccines they will kill you or other they have aids r aids like virus ebola and others
haunting music, i believe featured in candyman
@LeahandMark Name one.

American Stonehenge/Georgia guide stones

Killuminati and we got you!!!!!!

User Comments

Repent....get baptized in Jesus name......get filled with holyghost before its to late (Act 2:38)
this guy needs to go back to school i have a 9 year old who can read better than this guy
Mike Tyson bit my ear in a fight.
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