The Watchman News 9/22/2014 Georgia Guidestones Ebola Ice Age US Flag Survival
Georgia Guidestones: The Year '2014' Has Been Added to Mysterious Structure! Return to the old paths before ...
ICE Immigration Detention: What You Should Know
ICE is locking up and deporting mostly non-criminals and costing taxpayers millions of dollars a day in doing so. Here's a look at how our immigrant detention ...
I don't Get it, why Doesn't the U.S. Help? This can Resolve Drug Dealing &
can help a Country's Economy if they are poor. The US Should be doing this.
I'm not saying that Immigrants can't be here but at least help the
immigrants in need of Food, Shelter, & a Job.
I was one of the detained around 10 years ago. I came to the US at the age
of 13 (legally) and something went wrong with my mother´s green card
petition. As she was my sponsor, my green card got denied and I was
arrested at the age of 19. I just had finished Highschool and I was about
to go to the University of Florida with a 75% scholarship for electrical
engineering. If the system treated me like a criminal and was willing to
spend taxpayers money on my detention and deportation, wouldn´t you think
there is something wrong with it?
+francisco perez , Dont need to be sorry. It delayed a lot of things in my life but I am a studborn SOB.I am currently in Brazil. After a while I got accepted into one of the best universities in the country and I dont pay a dime for it and I have qualified myself really well. Today I studying to become an electrical engineer and I work for an Oi&Gas comapny where I make 11x the country´s minimal wage. and I have lots of benefits like health insurance and paid vacations. On top of that, I recently got an opportunity to return to the US with my Green Crad already in hands, but I dont know how it will work out.
to me, it no suprise that they do. they create war zones and point the finger at the people and country theyre victimizing, while they rake in the cash they make off of it
Get rid of this. IT IS A BREACH OF HUMAN RIGHTS.(Sorry for the caps but its
important and I am angry.) 5% of illegal immigrants are drug dealers the
rest are trying to escape drug dealers and cartels and that is from Mexico
They are refugees and they get locked up with no legal support for trying
to escape violence by getting into another country.
Awesome 10 year old Hockey player. State Wars 99s highlights. Team Georgia
JJ Fecteau Highlights State Wars 5 wearing a goalies "Gibbons" jersey. State Wars 09 Final 99s Ga vs NJ Ga wins 11-3 MVP. Yes, he plays ice hockey AAA.
Sure he might score goals and skate around a bunch of 9 year olds but when
he plays faster hockey it will change. To be honest, you're probably only
showing the good clips and bad players get a few good goals here and there.
he doesn't pass but what do know i never seen him play a whole game! do you
just want to show him and not show someone else with the puck? i get that
:) great player just a tip, good luck to him!
Y una advertencia, si tienes orden de deportacion, que haces en esa casa?,
muevete hijo(a) pues, cambiate de lugar, no esperes que vallan a
despertarte alas 3 de la madrugada ha!, no andes pasiando en las calles
todo tiempo vagando por donde quiera y emborrachandote con tus amigotes
brother. Algunos son detenidos manejando en la parranda, y los policias los
entregan a migracion,,, asi que, agarren la onda mis hermanos, y cuidense
llevando una vida sobria y sabia pues. No abran las puertas por nada,
aunque les toquen fuerte. NO HABRAN LAS PUERTAS. Ellos no pasaran. Y hojala
el presidente Enrique Pena Nieto, el president de Guatemala y Honduras,
hicieran algo para mejorar la calidad de vida de sus compatriotas y el
salario les alcanse para vivir dignamente, pero como solo quieren llenar
sus bolsas estos seudopresidentes gachos, los pobres hermanos se ven
hobligados a emigrar para darle una major calidad de vida a los suyos.
Pinches presidentes corruptos, hojala vieran este video aver si les da
verguenza, si es que la conocen, uuuufff!!!.Read more Show less