Recibimiento - Dr. Óscar Arias Sánchez en Universidad Soka, Japón
El Dr. Arias rindió un estupendo discurso de paz a los más de 2000 asistentes a la ceremonia, entre nuevos graduados de la universidad y sus familiares, ...
Alumnos de la Universidad de Guanajuato y la Universidad de Soka, comparten experiencias - SEP 2015
La Universidad de Guanajuato y la Universidad Soka, continúan estrechando lazos de amistad y cooperación académica, a través de los proyectos de ...
De casa a la universidad JAPON
SGI Japan Commemorating 80th Anniversary
Parte de apresentações do 80 anos da SOKA GAKKAI No AUDITORIO DA UNIVERSIDADE SOKA,TOKIO.
+Ailton Alves You have to study more. You sound extremely naive. I can list what is Ikeda and SGI's deviation from the Daishonin. How you could chant without the Three great seceret laws? Please do not slander the intention and will of the Daishonin. Don't you think ignoring the Three Great secret laws is a deviation? Or denying the advent of the Daishonin is also I see as deviation! Don't think so? Wake up. If I am wrong, reply me with the Daishonin's doctrine not emotionally what you think, or he said. she said and SGI said, but the Daishonin said. What made you think, we may depart from the will of thr Daishonin? and you may ignore the great seceret laws?
It took me to answer because I was fighting for the happiness of people , that's what Daishonin left us directed , Buddhism has as its ultimate goal the happiness of all people regardless race, social class or nationality. but I will give my last answer, because our conversation will not continue. I do not understand why you insist on saying that the Gakkai has deviated Daishonin 's teaching , never heard any of my orientation leaders , not to Ikeda that was not based on the writings of Daishonin. Nichiren Shoshu the accused of the same thing and we prove who actually was distorts the true teaching . it just , the victories of members worldwide It is proof that the gakkai is the true teaching . Peace and light to you.
+Ailton Alves Please be resposible with your words. Are you hiding? I can not find your comment after you put your ignorant comment. You must not slander the Buddhism. Your attitude shows the true identity of CULT SGI. Any reply will be appreciated. Otherwise I will take your silence as your acceptance of my comment as SGI is NOT Buddhism but a cult that capitalizes on Buddhism to gain a political power in Japan and make more money than Toyota. This is true. Shame on Ikeda. I urge that you leave SGI for your life. Do not waste it for this CULT, please.
+Ailton Alves Ikeda is Korean or not, is that important? More than his deviation from the doctrine of Buddhism? and misguided his members to wrong direction?
ok , let's follow his reasoning : in South Korea to the Soka Gakkai has more than 50 thousand families and practitioners in Japan millions and millions , it means those people accept the falsehood...
+Ailton Alves Are you a racist? You mean if Ikeda is Korean, will you quit being a member of SGI? That is not the point I was talking about but his deviation from the Daishonin Biddhism. You seem do not care what the intention of Nichiren Daishonin!
La UG y la Universidad de Soka celebran 25 años de cooperación académica - MAY 2015
Guanajuato, Gto. a 18 de mayo de 2015.- En la Ceremonia conmemorativa por el 25 aniversario de amistad y cooperación académica entre la Universidad de ...