+Mike Hearn The Internet has done just fine without dictators or hierarchy. If you don't like working within a truly decentralized system, and dream of centralizing Bitcoin's power structure, you're the problem, not the solution. Find something else to do, Mike. You are malicious to Bitcoin project. You are malicious to people privacy by banning TOR Nodes, you are malicious by act.
What did you say is the other SPV project? I didn't catch that.
QA InfoTech at 5C's Tournament 2015
5C's Tournament 2015 : You Play They Win QA InfoTech, showcases true sportsmanship along with the right CSR goals year after year in the 5Cs tournament ...
When you are deciding to whether or not to automate – or if you've already made the decision to do it – the choices surrounding which automation tool to use ...
I Can't Find My Passion And Focus On My Goals... What Should I Do?
Finding your life passion is difficult. Finding your passion and focusing on your goals is even more difficult. What should you do if you can't do both at the same ...
my main problem is that technology is changing so fast from java to c# to
java script then angular, then node and now angular 2, its like people
expect new developers to be some kind of programming prodigy to just learn
all this stuff. i dont know what should i learn anymore.
+Bilal Sardar Hey man, I completely understand you! I even produced a course on this topic. Have you ever checked 10 Steps To Learn Anything Quickly Course? I think it will be very good for you! //simpleprogrammer.com/10stepstolearn
Hey john thanks for answering my question it means alot. I am now all chips
in! When ever i feel like quiting i will revert back to this video and
continue the hustle. I am extremley grateful of the people commenting with
their advise which is valuable to me. Some great lessons here, thanks
everyone :D.
Great Video. I can really relate to what the guy asking the question is
going through, and I gotta say this video helped me a lot. Thanks for the
great content
Thanks john for this video. I am currently reading the API guides @
developer.android.com and it's so boring but I have to know that stuff. And
thus I feel like I am tired and not able to concentrate and pay attention
to what I am reading. This video helped me a lot. I will promise myself to
finish the page that I am currently reading tomorrow no matter what. I will
pay attention and try my best to understand the stuff that I am reading.
yeah and to rid myself of boredom I spent like hours watching videos on national geographic which is not related to programming at all. Man you know what I WILL finish reading that page tomorrow and not worry about how long it is. And I will conquer my emotions.
Markus Reinert: The Sky is the Limit for this Young Scientist #ThinkStories
Markus Reinert, 18, created a software program that analyzes stars, even in brightly lit environments like the city center of Munich, where he lives and often ...
elitefts.com — Roundtable with Our Fast-Rising Young Team Members
So, I get to feel REALLY old as I interview Casey Williams, Joe Schillero, Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes, Brandon Smitley and Jennifer Petrosino at a recent ...
Appropriate idea to interview younger athletes that aren't fat in
powerlifting...LOL......to compete against the "crossfit" cults.
The ballet dancer is questionable?? Now a "hot" FEMALE dancer would have
kept my attention.