Murray Introduces Major Military and Veteran Caregiver Bill
Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), a senior member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, delivered a speech on the Senate floor to introduce legislation aimed ...
Thank you for your focus on this matter! I have been a caregiver for my
veteran for all most a decade, this program and the hotline has been life
changing. I pray this program not only expands but at this point keeps
moving forward. The last nurse visit the nurse was very harshly telling me
to not depend on it and it's not forever. I have seen fellow caregivers
dropped from level three to one with no change in the veterans or
caregivers needs. The percentage of combat wounded veterans above the 60%
rating with someone to care for them is so low; it's sad to think our
government won't think it's worth it to continue funding this small
population. I can tell you that if I didn't care for my veteran and provide
a stable life he would either be a bigger burden on the VA or not here at
Please stay in the fight.
Floor speech on allowing VA doctors to discuss medical marijuana options with veterans
Congressman Sam Farr spoke on the House floor in favor of an amendment that would allow VA doctors to discuss medical marijuana treatment options with ...
I am a Navy vet living in the state of Virginia.
I have a daily battle against chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety, and intestinal
I do not want to take ten pills a day that have terrible side affects.
It is a crying shame that the medicine I know works is outlawed because of
corporate bought votes and propaganda.
Thank you for fighting for the vets that cannot have a say in the matter.
Keep it going and let our voices be heard.
Secretary Shinseki's Remarks at National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
Secretary Shinseki addressed attendees of the 17th National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Annual Conference and Membership Meeting this morning, ...
An Ohio Town Is Trying To Make A Veteran Get Rid Of Therapy Ducks
Army veteran Darin Welker, 36, has been raising 14 ducks as a form of therapy after sustaining a back injury in Iraq in 2005. Welker started keeping the ducks in ...
The law could be the result of people keeping dangerous wild animals on
their property, which happens a lot. One woman was concerned because a
neighbor put a tiger in a cage and the tiger got to look at her children
when they went into the back yard. At the time, there was nothing in the
town's laws saying the neighbor couldn't do it. So perhaps this town's law
was modeled to prevent that problem, and this case was an unfortunate
+The Richard Fowler ShowThank you. Just want to make clear, the tiger incident did not happen in that town specifically, but the incident was well publicized and got a lot of national attention, which caused a lot of towns to pass laws about what kind of animals people can keep in their backyards.
+Punk Stardude, of fucking course you can train ducks, that's the most docile duck in the world - the relatively tame ducks I've known would pretty much murder you if you tried to pick them up, much less cuddle them upside down.And who's dogs do you know, that don't bark? (especially, without showing signs of serious abuse - I've known rescue dogs who didn't bark - but when they're comfortable and know they're safe with you, they will start alarming and such, just like any other dog)Everyone makes noise. Go start a car, and think about how loud it really is. Go open a garage door. Go turn up the stereo. It's not illegal, or wrong, or rude, to make noise at the place you live. And again, ducks sleep at night.
You'd be playing it wrong.Ducks make noise - but as said, no more than dogs or anything. And not at dawn or anything like that - they might quack from time to time, but they stay asleep at night, and they don't constantly call during the day.
Sen. Blumenthal opening statement at Veterans Affairs Committee hearing on prescription policy at VA
I don't know of any other topic that is more important in our VA health care system. We talk a lot about inadequate care in the sense of inadequate quantities of ...