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College funding texas Videos

Texas school funding still unconstitutional

Even though the Legislature pumped an extra $3 billion-plus into classrooms last summer the state still fails to provide adequate funding or distribute it fairly ...

Good Game Feature - Crowd Funding - TX: 19/02/13

Goose investigates Crowd Funding. What is it, what are the risks and why is it so popular? --MORE GOOD GAME-- //www.facebook.com/ggtv.au ...

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Great interviews!

Texas legislators to decide funding for Pre-K

Time is ticking while Texas legislators are preparing tonight to make a decision that could affect your child's education. While some legislators want to increase ...

Texas not fully funding schools

For the first time in 27 years, it looks like the State of Texas will not fully fund its schools.

User Comments

The state doesn't give anything, they take it from tax payers and then re-distribute it after skimming off the top to build their own empires.

Sen. Hutchison On Funding Planned Parenthood In Texas

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User Comments

@zidmt family planning is not mandated, nor is birth control or contraception. Those are elective, preventative services. The Affordable Care Act says insured people have the right to access those services if they choose. It's a freedom issue, and a freedom of religion issue. Republicans oppose this freedom, not surprisingly.
and we can change the name of the country to bible land and our flag will be a bloody jesus on the cross and instead of sending foreign aid to dying countrys we just send them boxes filled bibles and the don't like that we send them the jesus bomb
Maybe if men stopped having sex with women we wouldn't need Planned Parenthood. Or better yet - make sure NO woman ever has sex outside the marriage and kill the adulterers - it's in the Bible anyways.
@zidmt Yes, you'll see hospitals where you don't have to pay an arm and a leg just to have that arm and leg looked at! That was probably the worst argument I've ever read. Go back in your hole.
Rick Perry sucks ASS! Just so you know. Too often "Planned Parenthood" gets pigeon holed as an abortion factory when it offers SO MANY other services that are VITAL for women and our nation.
The US government is so deep in Americans pockets it's telling them how they should plan a family. Live outside the US for a while and you'll see how messed up the US really is.
You know US politics is circling the bowl when one is startled & pleasantly surprised to hear a GOPer say something NOT completely batshit crazy and sadistic.
This Parenthood argument is getting old. Government should simply shoot these women in the stomach. It's a win/win for both parties and the elites.
An old republican Woman.. seem the endangered species, 60-70s republican. more reasonable, until she get pushed by the tea party wacko..
There are a few women in the GOP who are sane. Recently retired Maine Senator Snowe is one of them. God we are going to miss her.
We need to coin a new phrase for that party: "The anti-me, anti-you Republican Party." It needs to catch on.
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