Xbox360 Xbox 360 domino dominos Microsoft best warranty
This is Prima-Facie proof that Microsoft really does have the best extended warranty program around. Please see by eBay store. EBay name is K3ithr0an3.
While the majority of Xbox 360 owners continue to have a great experience
with their console, we are aware that a very small percentage of our
customers have reported receiving an error that displays E74 on their
screen. After investigating the issue, we have determined that the E74
error message can indicate the general hardware failure that is associated
with three flashing red lights error on the console. As a result, we have
to cover repairs related to the E74 error message under our three-year
warranty program for certain general hardware failures that was announced
in July 2007. We have already made improvements to the console that will
reduce the likelihood of an occurrence of this issue. Detailed information
related to the Xbox 360 warranty and resources for those who require repair
can be found at
No i didnt break them i bought them all on ebay for $30-$50 I sent them all
back to M$ as e74/RROD The ones in the boxes are the onse i get back under
free repair.