As I passed these two, I thought they were going much to fast. I saw that he put on his blinker, I quickly got out my camera (because noone would believe me) ...
hmm can You remind me MPG on this vehicle? I bought Audi a4 1.9 TDI 97 it
has over 300k km (200k in miles.) is around 6l per 100 km, and here petrol
or gas or diesel costs 2$ per liter. With our average salary of 500$ in
month, do some calculations. Ou yeah, Audi has gone over 30k km and had to
put in it 200$, and from all of it around 60$ was oil, lamps and so on. So
. . . I would never buy wasteful american engine. + mine 1.9TDI has 140 hp
with chip. That's is enough for 1.9 diesel from 1997?
Well, you got it mostly right. The brake fluid is pumped by the master
cylinder, not by the engine. The master cylinder is not affected by the
engine, however, engine vacuum powers the brake servo, which provides
braking assistance not power. Mechanical advantage is provided by the brake
pedal acting as a lever and the difference in piston size between
master/slave cylinders. When you consider that a 118hp Lotus Elise S1 has
no brake servo at all, you may wonder why a 50hp Corsa even has one!
I keep saying Australian, you for some reason say American. Is the Mondeo
built in Belgium an American car with American engine? No. Australian Ford
Falcon with inline 6 is has been made in Australia 40 years and the engine
is only used in Australian cars, the same engine basically evolved over 50
years. Only foreign part is German ZF automatic gearbox in 2010+ model
only. Designed to run on gravel roads and potholed roads. Autogas/LPG about
56cents/litre.400,000km 1997 model 180hp. 8l/100km
Nein... das ist alles nur Geldmacherei. Ansonsten könnte man ja auch
einfach ne zweite Prüfung machen, aber da muss ja tatsächlich jemand
arbeiten, also viel zu teuer. So stellen die einfach ne Plastikkarte aus
und fertig... Was macht das für einen Sinn? Das ist nur ein kleiner Teil
der Kompletten Entmündigung der Bürger... Steuer kommt von (jemanden)
steuern. Und das ist genau das gleiche... Der Bürger bestimmt in
Deutschland irgendwie garnichts mehr, anders als in Schweden...(EURO)
Given that most northern Europeans (as far as I know) who drive brands like
Audi don't drive their cars longer than 60,000km before disposing of it and
getting a new one...they won't care they have a gearbox with more wear than
usual. If it fails at 70,000km, they won't care. Compare that to an
Australian Ford inline 6cyl engine that will tow for 20 years and
800,000km, or a Japanese V8 Pajero or Landcruiser that will still be going
decades from now. The Audi will be gone, ruined, scrapped.
Die Zahlen aus dem Fokus sagen, dass 40 Prozent der Autobahnen ein
Tempolimit haben, von daher passen die 53 aus dem angeblich unseriösen
Gamerforum doch gut. Meine Äußerung bezog sich ja auch voll und ganz auf
dich....du meintest, dass mein Kommentar absoluter Quatsch ist....nein ist
es nicht, denn wenn solche ''Ausschreitungen'' im Verkehr zunehmen, wird
über eine stärkere Kontrolle nachgedacht werden und da sind wir schnell bei
weiteren Tempolimits......
Also laut ADAC sind 53% der deutschen Autobahnen dauerhaft(!) ohne
Tempolimit und außerdem findest du es nicht sehr riskant ein Auto mit
130km/h abzuschleppen und das bei dem Sicherheitsabstand der sich dabei
zwangsläufig ergibt.....vom fehlenden Bremskraftverstärker des defekten
Corsas wollen wir garnicht erst reden.....also solltest du sleber mal
überlegen wer hier mist erzählt! Knallköpfe gibt es übrigens in jeder
ohje, du hast deine "Quelle" wohl aus einem Gamer Forum das dir Google
ausgespuckt hat, richtig? Suche mal weiter, denn die Wahrheit liegt
irgendwo dazwischen. Die 53% bezog sich gerade einmal auf ca. 12.000km von
230.735... PS: Ausserdem ging es mir weniger um das Video sondern um deine
Äußerung. Dies erkennt man daran, das ich "in keinster weise" über das
Video und dessen fehlerhaftes Verhalten geschrieben habe!
OMG construction zones in Australia are 40km/h - obviously the Euro
construction unions are happy for their members to work around 90km/h
traffic as they believe its' safe. Australians ripped off again.. . The
Audi is testament to German engineering. But I hate to think how much he is
reducing the life span of its' gearbox by towing at that speed.
Who are you talking to? weiso ich? Was habt es zu tun mit 15 jahr
fahrerschein oder tempolimit? Du kannst besser dein Helmut Kohl schuld
geben.... sein Euro-zone traum! Lass lieber der tempolimit kommen! Kann
keiner sneller aus 120 kmh kamm fahreren.... Verkehr dichte erlauben es
nicht mehr!
Well I can be wrong, I'm the first person to admit that. I don't live
there. But if the stupid EU emissions rules allowed the Australian Ford
Falcon to be sold in Europe with its' 4.0 litre inline 6 cyl engine, you'd
see a car that goes even longer. And is a lot cheaper.
Somehow disagree You. In my country in country side are terrible roads -
something similliar to Russia. And 70% of cars are Audi's and mercedes
because they go forever, and 50% of all towing cars are audi's but have
Your opinion . . . German engineering FTW
the audi if a towbar (towbar the most sold car accessory in the
netherlands) is fitted can legaly pull his own weight and will do for a
long time. far longer as a american style cars with v8 and automatics, btw
the corsa is only 800kg or so
du quatscht ein misst das gibt es ja nicht... Man sollte eher den
Führerschein ab 21Jahren einführen denn die heutige junge Generation kann
sich selten in Zaun halten. PS: 80% Der Autobahnen haben schon Tempolimit...
I did that with a 1967 volvo amazone , and at the end of my rope a audi a3,
while i drove 140 on the highway 150 miles long by night. HELL YEAH!!!
People taking pictures at the gasstation
soweit ich weiss ist es doch eh schon illegal ein auto auf der autobahn zu
ziehen oder irre ich mich. mal abgesehen von der geschwindigkeit. und das
mit den knallköpfen sehe ich genauso
Theres legal speed limits across the EU for towing, and all are based on a
solid (aka not rope) connection. I am surprised they didn't get pulled,
then again what country was this in?
Wth one of my old coworkers had an a6 literally identical to that one and
she'd have me take it from her from time to time for detailing/
service..never thought of doing that with it
i am dutch and i have never seen this driving,,the only people i sespect of
driving this whe are the nort africaaans living in this country,they drive
like crazy.
Nice dutch poeple :-P Max speed is at towing in NL 70 kmph 1 meter @ 10kmph
Lente van 7 meter sleepkabel is dus max sleep speed van 70 km zonder
reactie tijd.
Und wegen Idioten wie ihr, haben wir ab heute den Führerschein auf 15 Jahre
begrenzt und in Naher Zukunft kommt auch das herzlichen
Its illegal here to tow a car faster than 30kmh. And its strictly forbidden
to tow a car on a highway. You know, theres a reason for that. No brake
The chap filming this is the biggest danger, I wonder how well he would
have reacted had the tow rope snapped while he was stuck to the arse of the