While it did flop on the market, and when it was released it was no longer
eligible for racing due to rule changes, the car is quite good. It did win
its fair share of victories and BMW did run a rather exciting M1-only
series (I recommend to look for that video). Not to mention the father of
future production M-series.
anybody know what year this one is and how common they are in california? i
just wanna know if getting one of these in san diego would equal me working
my weekends on it or could it be a relatively maintenance free sunday driver
wow that BMW looks good! probably the BMW i would like to own the most. The
only BMW i think is cooler is the classic bmw m3, but they are so expensive
that they are really bad value for money.
Hey, I haven't seen that guy before. Is that the predecessor of James May?
Just judging the hairstyle and manner of speaking ;-) Horrible acting here,
loro comprano l'auto prima .. puoi recitano con proprietario per fare il programma più bello .. la stessa cosa fanno quando la vende .. e un bel programma e aiuta a capire come sono fatte e sistemare le auto
Mira el minuto 15,55s...) Desde siempre Córdoba y el deporte de las cuatro ruedas han ido de la mano junto con un nutrido grupo de aficionados y participantes ...
He disfrutado un montón con el vídeo. Yo tuve una azul, la que llevaba el
filtro de aire protegido por una carcasa de plástico y el manillar no era
de tubo, sino de chapa estampada (creo). Al ver la restauración he revivido
el día que la estrené, hace casi cincuenta años. ¡Qué ilusión! Que la
disfrutes mucho tiempo y muchos quilómetros. Es mas que una moto. Es
Historia, con mayúsculas.
Muchas gracias Francisco...me alegro que te guste el video y la moto....las
dos cosas las hice con cariño....la moto esta era la misma a la que dices
pero la restaure asi a mi gusto.....saludos y gracias