No borders no nations STOP deportations. Geen mens is illegaal
Deportation resistence against Dutch detention and asylum policy of Statesecretary F. Teeven . In the last few years the Dutch asylum policy against political ...
Ik snap het punt, maar wat betreft jullie punt over de Marechaussee, het is
een afdeling van Defensie, en ja die handelen via een ander systeem dan in
de burgermaatschappij. Dus die volgen bevelen op, die bevelen worden niet
zomaar gegeven, maar worden wel degelijk overwogen. Ongeacht of ze hier
goed of slecht handelen, ze houden ook een heleboel niet gewenste personen
buiten voor uw en mijn veiligheid. Je zou de regels moeten aanpassen, maar
ben maar wat blij dat er handhavers zijn in dit land!
Zéker! Handhavers moeten er zijn. En ook zij maken inschattingsfouten. Het
blijven mensen. En juist die menselijkheid staat ter discussie. In alle
situaties is het gevaarlijk, wanneer mensen hun eigen identiteit
(souveriniteit) uitschakelen om zich ten dienst te stellen van een
autoriteit van bovenaf, waarmee de uitvoerende macht zichzelf reduceert tot
willoos onderdeel van een zielloze machine. Als we met zijn allen het
gevaar van sektes onderkennen, waarom zou dat niet gelden voor overheden?
Netherlands: Protesters chant 'Merkel must leave' as she drives to awards
Dozens of protesters gathered in the city centre of Middleburg to protest against German Chancellor Angela Merkel's refugee policy as she arrived in the city to ...
+Noth Ankyou Don't be pessimistic. We still have time to extinguish the flames of that hell society you imagine. Islam and mass immigration will and must end and once we get our borders back, we'll deport all the recent convicted criminals and many millions of other ungrateful migrants not integrating willfully.
Refugee policy U-turn: Merkel to limit asylum seekers inflow
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who had previously welcomed refugees, said on Sunday in an interview to the country's ARD channel that the flow of ...
The import of millions of unemployable, backward, immoral, Christian hating
people who can't and won't integrate, and want to kill the "infidel". I
mean what could possibly go wrong?
+Tanner William Lol "Christian terrorist right wing gun nut"Anything you can to avoid saying white. Coward. There is no such thing as racism, everyone is tribal, it is a self defense mechanism.
+Hughjarce153 People in Islam countries turn to violence because of politics in 95% of cases. 5% of cases were because of religion.Also, in America, I am far more likely to die because of a Christian terrorist right wing gun nuts than a Muslim, I'll take them over the right wing crazies.
+Tanner William Islam is not a race, it's an ideology. These people are mostly stuck in the dark ages, they can't even stop fighting amongst themselves, so how do you think they'll behave when the come to your city?
+Hughjarce153 in 95% of terrorists interviewed, politics was the motivation for doing to you, what you did them - destroying, raping and killing. Religion has nothing to do with it, but it's cool, keep telling yourself a lie to make your little epeen feel better.
+Hughjarce153 They hate Europeans. It has nothing to do with religion. Without religion the arabs would behave in the same manner. They are a victimhood race. It is always all about race
Riot Police Fire Warning Shots As Protesters Storm The Site Of A Planned Asylum Centre For Migrants
Riot Police Fire Warning Shots As Protesters Storm The Site Of A Planned Asylum Centre For Migrants Riot Police Fire Warning Shots As Protesters Storm The ...