Are We Recording Presents: How To Jackpot! Bugzy (Director/Producer) FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: ...
LETS GO BABY! "NO SNIPERINO PLS" First Win: 1:50 , Skins Won 3:55 Second Win: 7:15 , Skins Won 8:50 Third Win: 10:30 , 12:33 (Video is long because I ...
No. The skins are legitimately received, and created by valve cases. They are not stolen and participants knowingly risk their skins. Therefore they are legit
Its more or less a site only for those with tons of skins. If you barely
get that min. $10, youll have like a 1% chance or less and will most likely
lose to anyone that bets $100 or more. Rigged site designed to make the
wealthy even wealthier. Want a fair chance? Not the site for you.
+Diamond Shine Bright I play on csgo powerball, much nicer people, everyone on there knows each other since it's usually like 70 people online and you have a much higher change of winning.
+champdude17 well you can trade the skins for money for your paypal acc. so yeah maybe they are imaginary skins, but their value is very high and you can get a lot of money.
Wouldn't even say wealthy, just people who adore imaginary skins and will spend their hard earned money on it.
Follow us on twitter to be notified on upcoming giveaways and more! -----------------Khaos's Social Media----------------- ...
This guy got wrecked hard what with his VAC ban and losing all his CS
items, but I am seeing a lot of hate towards him for his mistakes. While
the VAC ban was most likely his own fault, getting scammed could happen to
anybody at anytime. I'm not defending nor hating him, just stating my
Guys if anyone here knows how to ddos feel free to ddos this cunt, he
scammed my friend for shadow daggers vanilla.... Norway
Vestfold Horten Canal Digital Kabel Tv As
+Phantom Pvp ping t -l [ip] 10240 is fine enough on its own, but one computer cant deliver a DDoS attack. Write that, on 60 - 100 computers, at the same time, then you have something that can be called a DDoS attack...
+tomorrow As I explained in the video the figure that they show on the website for the pot size is AFTER the commission has been taken away. I received my $430 shortly after this video was posted.
Hello hmot GO,
Please re-check the about page.
We do use SteamAnalyst, but we use a custom database for high-tier items -
this may lead to prices that you are not able to verify.
We are working in releasing the prices we are using but it's not on the top
of our priority list, since we've been working on more important issues -
like making support work faster and better to better serve our users.
If you send me your steam ID I can verify your trade and send you the
values of each weapon at the time being.
Thank you,
Diogo Raminhos
(On behalf of CS:GO Jackpot)
+Diogo Raminhos Okay that's fine, it's just much easy to communicate via steam. Anyhow, we've established that I am missing $325.6 from my winnings. How do we move forwards from here?If a shop keeper prices something incorrectly and a customer tries to buy it. They have to sell it for that price. It is not the customers fault that it was priced incorrectly. As in the case here, it is not my fault it took 15 days to get a real response, therefore surely we're going off the current prices?Also, "If you are looking for more support staff I would happily apply for the role. I feel that I would be a great addition to the team."
+hmot GO Hi,The prices on knifes DO fluctuate, as I stated, we updated our database TWICE in the last 15 days - in every change all the prices are updated and carefully reviewed by our savvy traders to adjust to the current market state.Thank you,Diogo Raminhos
+Diogo Raminhos Thank you for taking the time to do this. The total of that list adds up to $3117.344581 ($3117.34 rounded down). My total pot was $3442.94 meaning I was under-paid $325.6. Now unfortunately for both of us, as you stated, these are the current prices and no the prices when I won the pot. However, as we both know prices don't fluctuate THAT MUCH in such a short period of time. This list not being given to me sooner is not my error (the consumer), but it is an error of I hope you understand what this means. PS: If you are looking for more support staff I would happily apply for the role. I feel that I would be a great addition to the team.
PS: This was fetched manually by me, the support staff is not able to get this, we're working on getting them more tools to get these results but at this time they just don't have them, our system fetches the value properly and makes sure the value retrieved is always equal or over what it was supposed to be.
+hmot GO Because I've 100 random friend requests lol (if you added me) and because I didn't remembered to add you - it's 4am here. The point of the trade was to send a message - steam has no way to send a message, a trade is a quick way to send a message without having to wait for the other party to act. Cheers
well this just happened Intro music: Dualistic - The One (feat. Meron Ryan) Song name: Steve Jablonsky - Arrival to Earth I do not own any of the music rights!
+swedishguy83 Uppskattar att du svarade mig schysst i alla fall men han som du säger saknar läsförståelse och allmänbildning känner jag väldigt väl och om du verkligen ska vara född 83 som jag förmodar att du är enligt ditt användarnamn så borde du väl ändå ha lärt dig lite allmänt hyfs eller saknar du det helt eller?Visst jag uppskattar att du svarade mig på ett schysst sätt men jag blir bara så förbannad när du inte kan vara trevlig middag mot andra!Dessutom så läser inte jag heller den där skiten om youtubes avtal!
men lilla jävla hjärndöda idiot, hur i helvete ska jag veta det där med att youtube endast går efter usas tidszon? du är ju seriöst helt jävla efterbliven...
+TheDatorSpel Beror väl på vad du försöker förmedla till mig. Men om jag ställde en sådan dum fråga som t.ex. du gjorde om tidzoner så skulle jag anse mig förtjäna en sådan kommentar och skulle komma ihåg lärdomen mer av en grövre förolämpning, ja.
så det är samma sak som att jag skulle säga till dig att gå och ta livet av dig? skulle du må mycket bättre då än om jag sa kan du inte snälla dra härifrån?? +swedishguy83
+swedishguy83 Ja det undrar verkligen jag också. Att göra någon en tjänst genom att vara otrevlig, well that makes no sense. Det måste vara det dummaste jag någonsin har läst.
+TheDatorSpel Det har visat sig i psykologiska studier att om man förolämpar någon så minns de det utbytet bättre än när man enbart är trevlig. Du missförstår situationen. Jag gör dig en tjänst bara med att vara otrevlig. Så sluta lipa nu och gå vidare med ditt liv.
+TheDatorSpel Alltid tyckt att en lärdom följd av en förolämpning gör sig bättre. Du kanske ska lägga lite mer energi på att allmänbilda dig istället för att skriva idiotier?
mOE gets Trolled by JACKPOT [feat. SHAFFER, swag, fREAKAZOID]
mOE goes big on a pot live on stream, and enters quite the emotional roller coaster as a result. More vids in the works. Sub if you dig what I do and want to hear ...
Klar wie erwähnt einfach mich auf steam adden und ich mache dir das klar :)
Steam inventory helper Är sidan legit ja just nu iaf, men ...
Jak jsem řikal ve videu, stránka je zatím v plenkách a čelí obrovskýmu počtu lidí co se registrujou, proto je to trošku pomalejší. I csgolounge má občas problémy, takže vydrž a určitě ti to za chvíli podaří, případně napiš na Support. :)