Our Tribe - Apostle Deborah Bell (Durban Gay PRIDE evening service)
God has a destiny and a purpose for the churches that affirm and include LGBTI people. Just as Philip baptised the eunuch, God is calling in those who have ...
Jordy Smith and His Beloved Jeffrey's Bay
//www.oneill.com/ From a surf stoked Durban kid to back-to-back Jeffrey's Bay champion, O'Neill's Jordy Smith has a special place in his heart for J-Bay.
West Nkosi South african township jive"marabi bell 800"
A masterpiece from South Africa,early 70's. "Marabi Bell 800",by West Nkosi! The opening lines translate to English as follows: "Hey,West,have you forgotten ...
West Nkosi was a bad, bad dude! He was among other things a producer for
the late great Malathini and the Mahotello Queens. Sadly, West was killed
in a car accident some several years ago, preceding his ace boon Malathini.
The African heavens must be truly rocking (drumming? thundering?) with
their combined efforts. Check out West's fantastic piece "Wedding March" on
this very same album! Awesome stuff, truly!
@Musharuka Thanks,I'm happy to help bring a smile to your face,tears of
happiness to your eyes,and sweet memories to your mind! God bless the music
makers,they truly perform miracles in their own way.
The Boyzone singer Ronan Keating is expected to get hitched to the Australian beauty Stom Uechtritz at Archerfield House, a 16th-century stately home and ...