Navarro college quotes Videos

Academic Honesty Tutorial - Direct Quotations & Paraphrasing

Norwell DSS Academic Honesty Tutorial Lesson 2: Direct Quotations and Paraphrasing Explains the difference between direct quotations and paraphrasing.

MBB: First Practice - Houston

The Gaels' first practice at Rice University in Houston for the Sweet 16. Filmed and Edited by Bryan Navarro.

User Comments
wish the shooting percentage during practice here was the same against BU, cause it sure looked like we made all our shots during practice, GO GAELS
Great vid!!!! Go St Mary's!!!! With all of Australia behind you, you're the most supported college at the Tourney!!!! :)
God I love this video. Even months later. Mad props to whoever is making and posting these vids. I love you man.
Awesome stuff. SMC alumni all over are just so inspired, and Bryan these are really well done. Go Gaels!
Let's go Gaels! Old school bball with lots of heart...God is a Gael!
Bryan, you are so talented! Nice work my friend. GO GAELS!!!
Great job bryan! We will all be charing hard at AT&T park!
Bryan Navarro is a G. Probably my favorite EitS song too!
australian fan here aswell! GO SAINT MARY'S!! :)
Bryan!!! This was stunning!!! :) Thank you!!!
Great camera work and editing! Go Gaels!
Well done Bryan, you legend, you.
GO GAELSSSSSS!!!! great video!
mans game bnavapolo.
amazing vid

Anti-Gun PSA Gets Ripped Apart By Fox News' Ammosexuals

An anti-gun ad shows a teenager bringing his parent's gun to school to keep his house free of dangerous weapons. The Fox News brigade goes bananas.

User Comments
I don't feel safe with a gun in my house at all, I feel safe with several guns in my house
lmao that isnt a real gun, that's a crosman C11 CO2 bb pistol
+Demon50 Just pointing out that it is shit.
+Zach JonesI guess anyone that wants a cheap CO2 powered BB gun? Not everyone is a fucking BB gun aficionado like yourself, for fucks sake it's a damn toy for shooting soda/beer cans!
+Zach Jones well what would you buy?
who the hell buys crossman?
Imagine the liberal uproar if there was a PSA where the kid steals his parents weed and brings it to school.
Those liberal drug addict losers would loose their fucking mind over that lol.
theft of a,firearm gun in a gun free zone and somebody under 21 possession of a firearm. 3frlonys
Illegal concealed carry
I'd feel SAFER with a gun in the house
+grenralpwn RBLX I was being sarcastic. I 100% agree with you.
+r4rev2 the police never come right after a call for instance some shooting at you would want a GUN to fight back or a cellphone?
+Matt S Why because you can protect yourself? Who needs protection when you can wait 10 minutes for the police to show up :D
That PSA is intensely retarted.
It's made by liberals, what do you expect?
+Esteban blank - plus it's intensely retarded. ;)

Dr. Joe Martin: Pursuing Greatness At All Costs

Get Free Instant Access to The Top 30 Books and Success Quotes Every Man Must Live By: // Dr. Joe Martin is an ...

User Comments
First and foremost, thank you daddy; Artensel E. McCullough, Sr. Without you, where would I be?!? Secondly, thank you immensely Dr Joe Martin for your honesty & open vulnerabilities! I had to share this message to men & women in my circle as I've sent it on... I had to tell the women; Look Beyond What You See... Why, because you've now explained to me my personal analogy of "your" blanket keeping not only men warm but it gives us women an understanding of why we share the blanket and that's to keep others warm too. With that being said, you've shared your story & now I'm passing it on. I may not be a Mentor is my friends or family's eyes yet, I pride myself to be a positive vessel of "Hope" for them all! God Bless You Brother, Your Sister in Christ, Hope Lynn McCullough
Phenomenal talk! Appreciate the openness and keeping it real.

graduation DANCE" Batch 90"caregiver

messages QUOTES: A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight...

John Paul II College of Davao's Anne Curtis Kalokalike

Dawnyca Claire Abregana as miss Anne Curtis of the College of Hospitality Management Department of JPIICD.

X-Men #1 Motion Comic: Magneto

A project I did for a class in college. I used the incredible artwork of Paolo Rivera's from Mythos: X-Men #1. I recorded my voice reading the fantastic words ...

User Comments
Hector my man this is great. Would love to see more.
That was deep I felt that. Wow, I feel magneto
Hector this is awesome!
My favourite "villain"

MBB: Return to Campus

The Sweet 16 Gaels return to campus and are welcomed by hundreds of fans. Filmed and Edited by Bryan Navarro.

User Comments
That's what I'm talkin bout! I remember sitting in De La Salle 1996 freshman year watching us get beat up by Tim Duncan and Wake Forest.....Time to shock the world!
Even thought tonight was tough. Do not forget this moment!
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