Here we are, ten years later. A big thank you to all the incredible redditors out there; you've made the last ten years amazing. Here's to the next 10 years.
Reddit Shadowbanned my 6 year old account (that was a Charter Member, with
over $150 in reddit gold dues paid, and 3 months remaining) for standing up
passionately about GamerGate. The only reason I know I was shadowbanned
is because moderators in individual subreddits still see shadowbanned
comments show up in their spam filters, and a Moderator from the PC Gaming
Master Race was kind enough to let me know the status of my account. If
this is an OK way to treat your long time paying users... SHADOW banning
them... for nothing but political reasons, and saying one too many "Banned
words".... I don't care what your politics are, that is not ok. To leave
me there, commenting, thinking my comments are going through when they
really are not... A paying customer... You guys are pathetic. You desrve
every bit of backlash you have received, and I hope you all lose your jobs
for supporting the Ellen Pao regime. Whatever she thinks she's trying to
accomplish, its not going to work. It just is NOT going to work. Give up
now, resign, or fire her... its over. You're done. Period. Wasn't it just a
month ago that you made a blog post about how "Transparent" you wanted to
be? And now? Not a fucking word? Never has there been a more disgusting
hive of scum and villainy than the current Reddit headquarters.
+AMD FANBOY Ellen Pao fired a guy who had cancer, the guy in charge of Secret Santa and a female who helped run AMA. There's lots to despise about The Glorious Leader.
+MrFuckingFX Reddit is owned by Jews now so you can't say anything bad about Jews or Israel or you'll be banned or shadowbanned (your posts will only be visible to you). You can say you want to kill all Muslims though. Jews hate Muslims so Reddit allows you to say that.
+MrFuckingFX Reddit is shit and it's CEO is a huge SJW piece of trash, a conwoman, married to a gay conman. Come to, it's a much better community.