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The Off Grid Tiny House 147 Food Prep

The Off Grid Tiny House. Join me as I convert a 48" transport trailer into a mortgage free tiny house! With a limited budget see what is truly possible for ...

User Comments

Do you have to get the trailer inspected every year? I know once it is on your property, you don't need to have it plated. How dose it work for you, since it is still parked in a yard, and will have to be moved to your property once you find one.
+David Pedder well you can buy a 10 day license so you can move it. its only good for the ten days. I don't have any plates for it but will need to get some when and if I get that 10 day license. Just so i can move it to a permanent spot. Yeah your right, once its on your land you don't need anything.
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