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Excelsior college phd Videos

College As I See It

My Great-Great-Grandmother Talks To Michelle Obama

Text by Mariahadessa Ekere Talllie (//www.ekeretallie.com). Thanks to all the women who provided their photos. Editing by //www.sindayiganza.com.

User Comments

I felt this was just an ambigous poem hoping that Mrs. Obama still or would try to represent the ambitious of working class sister like me. I don't think so, A husband who murder childrens with drones. But I will leav my remarks only on the poem this time, it was more than ambivalent and further irrelevant as art in our reality check.
This is so wonderful! Ekere your words and images are so moving and powerful! FLOTUS is so inspiring! I am honored to be in this video with all these amazing women!!
such a good video :) my great grandmother will be almost 96
love love love tears and gratitude
Love it!!

MVI 0491LITA Discourse Analysis Presentation

PhD in English Language Studies : Discourse Analysis Presentation, 2 June 2015, Suranaree University of Technology, Korat, Thailand.

Thesis Presentation

Thesis Presentation of Group 2 - 1-A4 (the group of Alexandra Leaño)

thesis defense presentation namen......

Final na to.. totoo na talaga toh-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at //www.powtoon.com/join -- Create animated videos and animated presentations ...
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