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Providence ri hurricane barrier Videos

Pogeys Providence River March 25th 2012 Fox Point Hurricane Barrier Providence RI

//www.oceanstatetackle.com/Fishing_Reports_RI_Saltwater_Freshwater_Fishing.html Fresh Sea Run Pogeys Providence March 25th 2012 Fox Point ...

User Comments

That fish is called Bunker, Mossbunker, Menhaden, Pogy or Pogey. Porgy or scup is another species.
thas not a pogey thas is a bonker stupped
Gonna be a good season!!!!!

Providence Striped Bass March 25th 2012 Fox Point Hurricane Barrier Providence RI

//www.oceanstatetackle.com/Fishing_Reports_RI_Saltwater_Freshwater_Fishing.html Providence Striped Bass March 25th 2012 Fox Point Hurricane ...

User Comments

thats not a plug, that is a heddon zara spook. Nice catch btw.
Plug is a general term for lure

Providence Hurricane Barrier

Views of the Providence Hurricane Barrier Providence, RI.

Hurricane Barrier, Providence

Providence, R.I. 15May2011 Kayaking under the hurricane barrier and new Rt. 195 bridge.

Fall Tautog and Striped Bass Fishing Report Providence & Seekonk Rivers RI Fishing

Fall Tautog and Striped Bass Fishing Report Providence & Seekonk Rivers RI Fishing Reports Providence Tautog and Bass fishing has been good with tautog at ...

Providence hurricane barrier now closed

Providence hurricane barrier now closed.

East Providence Expressway (Interstate 195) eastbound [ALTERNATE TAKE]

The East Providence Expressway links I-95 at downtown Providence with East Providence and the Seacoast Region of Massachusetts and southeastern Rhode ...

Officials start closing Providence's Hurricane Barrier

Officials have started closing Providence's Hurricane Barrier ahead of Hurricane Irene.
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