2010 Algeria hockey jersey released - Maillot Algérie
27/04/10 - Association Algérienne de Ice et Inline Hockey - Brand new Algeria now released to the public and can be purchased on our official online store at ...
Canada's got a new jersey for the 2010 Olympic games, featuring tons of cultural artwork. But what does it all mean? Steve Dangle takes us through some of the ...
is that a dude at 1:44 dear god..Canadian women's differences stand clear
next to American women. that is disturbing to hear, and watch. USA golds: 8
Canada golds: ...4 haha CANADA BLOWS! ....Canada will not win gold for
Wow, took me a good 10 minutes to realize the design within the leaf. I was
so confused to why it was "so special". Had to google it. Nice logo, Canada!
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs donned a Canadian hockey jersey at the daily briefing on Friday and sent beer to the prime minister of Canada to ...
@WizardProvision I don't have to take that from a god damn ill informed
pile of fuck with shit for brains. I don't believe in an afterlife, it's
just a metaphor. C'mon, even a fucking retard like yourself would know not
to take that literally. why would i wish to be american? being hated by 40%
of the world? not being able to travel Europe without being offended?
serving a life sentence for smoking pot, when in Canada it's practically
legal? yeah, sign me up! fucking idiot.
Healthcare reform = Jail American reform. Our right/freedom to spend our $
vs Jail time. You are required to pay health insurance and Govt. salaries.
You may visit a doctor 2 times a year but your monthly check are required
and appreciated. Don't mess with Uncle Obama!!!! College and high school
students, we know you live from paycheck to paycheck, so get a second job.
Pay our salaries and shut up!! By the way Pres. Obama where is clunker for
college tuition? Another speech?
Man! Some people have NO sense of humour (cdn sp) and NO class whatsoever!
Here is a guy (Gibbs) taking a bet and making good on it in a very classy
and funny way and some of these comments posted below are embarassing - not
to mention offensive. As a Canadian hockey fanatic (go Canucks!) I could
hardly breath watching the final minutes of regulation in that Gold Medal
game. See ya on the ice in 2014 U.S.A. !!! I don't think you'll like the
result then either!
@buddhika216 that was a pretty dumb statement you made. The NHL is gaining
fast respect because of its high speed, physical tempo and action. Right
now its ratings are at an all time high and growing fast. For you to say no
one gives a shit about Hockey is pretty dumb. If you can not appreciate the
physical, hard hitting game that requires far more atheletic skill to play
than ANY other team sport then you are missing out on great action.
I am a canadian and this proved nothing and americans can play hockey as
good as most others countries in the world and i found this contradictory
because the olympics fucking sucked blew alot of time and money these
players could have been playing some exciting hockey instead of pissing
contest hockey (like the wholething wasn't rigged for gambling profits the
hint was in the first game when us canuks lost Canada got hollow victory.
@UyoroSail That is such bs. I just came back from a recent trip from Europe
and traveled with a group of people from my college and had an American
flag plastered on all of our luggage including our backpacks where it was
very visible. Never would I wear a different nationalities flag on me it's
a disrespect to my grandfathers honor and those who fought and died so I
can call myself an American.
@Supageeksupafreek Are you for real Bud? It was a simple sports bet. People
who enjoy sports and like competitive play understand this. It seems like
you hate everything to do with sports including the Olympics. Hmmm...
probably because you are some little dweeb who never goes outside, too busy
writing troll comments 24/7. Bud, do yourself a favour & get out of the
house a bit more.
@Other1fromVancouver Encouraging kids? Alcohol and gambling are both legal.
If talking about it is encouraging them, then I guess we have to censor
everything. Kids can't vote, so when politicians talk about voting, are
they encouraging kids to illegally vote? It makes sense you're from
Vancouver. If you're looking for a crazy Canuck, Vancouver's the first
place to look.
@box262 Yeah celebrate it all you can. Canada wins in the only sport they
are good at..... Enjoy it, cause you won't have anything to celebrate for
the next 4 years anyway. No one gives a shit about hockey. Stop letting
your mouth get over your head. You can start boasting when you actually
qualify a team for the world cup and actually win a medal or two in summer
Hahaha,great,, that was a great game,i cheered for CANADA and they won.but
USA did well too especially Miller.if goalie other than Miller was there
USA ,it would have been easy game for Canada,but hey Miller did not score 2
goals so the whole US team did great too,but Miller was a Key to their
silver i think.Great game by both teams thumbs up!!
I'm a student of history myself, strongly contemplated becoming a history
teacher (but decided I didn't really like being around kids), anyway, my
point was that we Canadians don't hate Americans, disputing your original
FALSE statement... but, I can see that you're just a huge troll and
troublemaker; time to block you, sayonara
Fuck the North American Security perimeter..Harper is a direct threat to
canadian sovereignty and canadians.. Now we know what Harper ment when he
won the election when he said``When i`m done with canada you will not
reconize it`` Well i`m starting to see what he meant i`m and no impressed
On the contrary, on the whole, we think Americans are basically good
people, we just don't like your foreign policy of going into other
countries and trying to force your values on others, ,to assure that
"American interests" (Such as cheap oil) are served, regardless of the
feelings/cultures of the people who live there
@naffie89 As a Canadian I'm kind of offended. We do not hate Americans we
dislike the loud mouthed, ultra right wing nuts like Glenn Beck. Right now
your making yourself look like a fool. I feel embarrassed for you. Thank
you other people who aren't narrow minded and hateful. Your friend in the
@buddhika216 Man, its Canada, do you think we really give a fuck about the
summer Olympics? Also, specify what sports Canadians are good at, because
if I'm not mistaken, Canada WON 14 gold medals in at least 10 different
events in these winter Olympics. So why don't you take your own advice
Douche bag.
exchange rate? come on Gibbs, you know that the Canadian dollar is moments
away from parity with the US dollar. Just suck it up, you lost your bet,
next time, just say congratulations and carry on. But you are an honourable
man, you stuck to your deal, I respect anyone who keeps their end of the
@WizardProvision whats with everone on youtube commenting on how stupid
this whole god thing is, like so what if you don't believe in god, no need
to bash him, there are 87 percent of the worlds population that do believe
in god. man, you guys are almost as bad as the tree huggers.
@box262 from a canadian) can you be a more blatantly passive agressive
prick? i mean jesus, gibbs is a pretty funny character making good on a
good-natured hockey bet and you randomly have to stick in all that cliched
anti-america bullshit? please. you're a laughing stock
i thought we already grabbed your balls and squeezed them.....but if you
insist................arrrrrrrr squeeze aaarrrrrrrr ........ pop
........squish......there now are you happy? now go join a choir. i'm sure
they will be pleased with the high notes you can reach now
Oh man you guys are so funny! After the baseball game or figure skating,
Korean and Japanese netizens were in a state of war, whcih I hated. This is
so cool. The press secretary showed a true sportsmanship. And not pathetic
at all! We should be able to laugh together!
God Bless america. This guy was a good sport. As a canadian that was fun to
watch. Canada and USA i must say are now the top 2 nations in hockey. The
US has proved themselves. I think US is better than Russia and the Swedes!!
GO CANADA GO >>>USA USA USA !!!!!!!!!!!!
although it may be a sports bet, this is no where near the appropriate
place to display...this is the fucking White House, have some respect in
seriousness for the place...straight up becoming zoo up in there..uh oh
here come the libs with the racist talk now, lol
@WizardProvision people like u r the reasin some americans wear somthing
canadian when they travel the world so people dont treat them bad.i have no
problem with america but people like u give it a bad name u fuck up.
@SnickleFritz79 lol yeah. To prove he's pro-American, he should have bet
for team Canada to win instead and wear the American jersey after winning
the bet, just to show he's not traitorous, but a dick and sore loser.
plus they are the ``Land of opertunity`` which i resent!
Come on now, Just cause that guys a moron doesn't mean all us Vancouverites
are idiots. I'm sure you have douche bags in your town too. I agreed with
all your comments until you burned my hometown.
Sidney Crosby's jersey - Billy Talent LIVE @ The JLC - London, ON
Billy Talent Live @ the JLC! 3/27/2010 Billy Talent takes out TEAM CANADA'S SIDNEY CROSBY'S HOCKEY JERSEY and leaves it out for the rest of the show!
Get It On Canada - Team Up for Jersey Day - Sept 17, 2010
Hayley Wickenheiser issues a challenge to all companies to "team up" for National Jersey Day on September 17, 2010 -- when all Canadians will get to show ...