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French car spares bournemouth Videos

burnin bournemouth flamers

User Comments

you know fuck all about cars then, 1 halfords dont even sell the equipment you need. 2 the clio and 5 were usin gas or what ever, 3 the mr2 is using a flamer kit. maybe not usin extra fuel, but at least a plug in the exhaust to light excess, so not real.
Halfords really do sell the shitty equipment needed to get a fake flame from the exhaust! You can even make the kit yourself. If you have a small amount of knowledge
the mr2 is the only one spitting real flames!! the other ladz just went to halfords and spent £25 on kit!! mr2 shoulda won!!
the black clio on the right should have won!!!!

Sunncamp Holiday 400 Acrylic SE 2011

Sunncamp Holiday 400 Acrylic SE 2011 Trailer Tent //www.campersandleisure.co.uk //www.campersandleisure.co.uk ...

Conway Cruiser - 2005 Model Folding Camper

Conway Cruiser - 2005 Model Folding Camper www.campersandleisure.co.uk www.campersandleisure.co.uk www.campersandleisure.co.uk, Esterel, Rapido, ...

User Comments

Great I always wanted one

Conway Classic Trio

Conway Classic Trio //www.campersandleisure.co.uk //www.campersandleisure.co.uk //www.campersandleisure.co.uk ...

Assembling Army Trucks (1944)

Unissued / unused material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Various shots mechanics in a workshop / factory assembling army trucks. Panning shot ...

rs flamer

focus rs flamer kit.

User Comments

Very very beautifull flamer kit. And Lambo doors ;)
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