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Ohio university center for student legal services Videos

Center For Student Legal Services

Center For Legal Services - Starting Eric Herron

An Introduction to Student Legal Services

Student Legal Services at The Ohio State University (SLS) is a non-profit law office providing legal advice, representation, education, and resources to eligible ...

Cambodian Law Students Compete in the U.S.

Five Cambodian students from the Royal University of Law and Economics make history by advancing to the round of 16 in the Philip C. Jessup International ...

User Comments

Although Cambodian law students reached the round of 16, I still proud of them. hope that both professors and students of law have to work hard and will get the best result for next year.
The observance of law is required by all citizens,decho is no exemption if he called himself a leader.He must set good examples !!!
Decho obstruct justice by bribing the judges.Lawyers we cannot allow such blatant disregard for the law in our homeland !!!
Stealing is a penal offense.There's no greater thief then the King of thief decho hunsen...
Future leaders for Cambodia if Hun Sen's Dictatorship regime no longer existed.
I wan to t all student in Cambodia have to try learn to help the our country.
@6:54 the one in zebra shirt doese not sound like a very confident speaker...
I know nothing about such an event.How long have this been going on ?
i love this 

Community Legal Services

Through helping others in the community, CLS teaches students the practical aspects about working as a lawyer.
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