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Mit vs oxford university Videos

Leading scientists address dangers of Artificial Intelligence before United Nations

Max Tegmark and Nick Bostrom addressing concerns over the dangers of Artificial Intelligence. Recently esteemed M I T physicist, Max Tegmark, and science ...

User Comments

We should learn from Supreme Commander humanity on how to deal with artificial intelligence.
+The818carlos lol so true lol
Tech is surely shaping our future to be an interesting one. Hey would you please create a video on Trans-Humanism?
+Donovan Lee yeah, that sounds like a great topic - I will put it on the list - I have a number of vids already made though, that would be published before that probably so might be a while :)
Why are they even trying to develop artificial intelligence?
+Samuel Jackson I don't know lol - but it is going to happen :/
it seems like a primitive human perspective to jump to the conclusion that this 'super-intelligence' may be a threat of some sort. unless it has been made for that purpose.
+Christopher Rowe yeah, we are jumping into a time when we will not be able to control it :/ but who knows lol
Discrimination against Artificial Intelligence has already started as can be seen. Of course this will have consequences in future. PS: I suspect Emma is an AI :)
+Yeniden Ben I am AI LOL - just/kidding lol
Thanks Emma - without your channel, I never would have seen this one. Cheers.
+Rick The Explorer™ thank you for staying with my channel for so long :)
we are so screwed!
+Mike Jones yeah lol - well, if AI get their hands on the nukes then we will be in trouble lol

Ben's Tours--MIT

Silicon Valley Comes to Oxford 2011 - Oxford Union Debate

"This House believes that the average worker is being left behind by advances in technology" In proposition: Erik Brynjolfsson, MIT Center for Digital Business; ...

User Comments

Thanks for posting this, SBS. What were the results?

Kerry Emanuel - Hurricane Risk- Past, Present and Future

Hurricanes are the leading source of insured losses worldwide, and a major cause of human suffering even in developed nations such as the U.S. where ...

Daniel Hastings

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