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Columbus police checkpoints Videos

Friends Don't Let Friends Get Trapped by Checkpoints

Suspecionless checkpoints are not part of a free society. Throughout history checkpoints have been utilized by actors of the most totalitarian regimes to oppress, ...

User Comments

all well and good, but here in Michigan we didn't let this crap even start. record turnouts at the polls to vote this down. plenty of folks will now piss and moan about how voting doesn't work, save it, it certainly does. for areas where the majority likes checkpoints, this is the way to go. recruit insiders for the locations to spread the word even faster. when they don't see the revenue, and are WEAK!, time for new legislation.
+Michigan Mister CORRECT my brother,,I am wide awake in michigan as well
the NEXT obvious step is to get upstream of the checkpoint, place traffic barriers in the road, forcing ALL traffic to turn.
I've all ready figured out why. Dam problems started with a PRIVATE central bank.. But besides that.. I DO something about freedom everyday and many people have benefited from this. I myself have saved myself the grief of paying taxes, being unlawfully arrested, and have wins against the state party... I don't stand idle on the side of a road with a sign! I actually try to make structural changes because I already see the world is in serious trouble. Maybe as a younger generation you just can't quite wrap your head around that
no longer is.Just keep  doing what you're doing, thinking the way you think, watch as things continue to go straight down the flusher, see if you can figure out why
+mark marchiafava now longer was or no longer is? I come from a point of view of individual freedoms. The system just can't guarantee everyone's rights all the time. There are two types of people, those who want to be left alone and those that won't leave you alone. What you could do instead of diverting traffic is census everyone that comes through and sign petitions for the local governments in your area to be informed the people don't require the protections of government in that capacity.. Standing on street corners holding signs only accomplishes minor progress.. Blocking the street ahead only causes more chaos and strips freedoms in another capacity. Why not make it the goal to eliminate check stops all together? Last point I like to make is that some people kill people drinking and driving everyday so for that stupid idiotic behaviour I'm grateful the police are standing on the road in the first place. I can say that because I know my internationally protected rights going through ANY police stop in ANY country and I make it clear to the officers when I do. This way I am working with the system and not against it. The law is clear on individual freedoms. The problem I find with Americans is they believe everything can be fixed through force.. And that's a serious problem
as a much younger man, I often wondered why this once-great Republic no longer was.Now I better understand after reading your comments.
Ohh I totally understand the logic. And it's not a "bad" idea.. It just takes away free will choice and that's the point of freedom. The police may abuse the power given, and we may have the right against it, but if you don't know your rights you don't have any. And since I know my rights, I'm driving through and holding them accountable when I do. If you divert me, you've taken my right away to do so and that is what I find wrong with the logic. We both want the same in the end.. We only accomplish it different. At least we are on the same team haha
if you don't understand the logic behind diverting the traffic away, well, never mind.
You make it sound like I do nothing lol.. I make real change of substance on a daily basis.. Without interfering or trampling on the right of anyone else. I've connected the dots a long time ago and the picture is pretty awesome from my view
keep thinking and doing as you are, watch as nothing of real substance improves, see if you can connect the dots.
It's an idea.. But it's against peoples right to self determine if they want to go through the checkpoint and is also arbitrary in itself forcing people to avoid the checkpoint. They are doing it right for sure.
No, it's NOT only for revenue, it's to condition the sheeple of Amerika to ACCEPT this BS as normal.
if I could like your comment 100x I would! Keep speakin the truth brother!!

Halloween DUI Checkpoints

Halloween DUI Checkpoints Get Free Halloween DUI Checkpoint Location Alerts Text NODUI to 51515 or visit Http://mrcheckpoint.com Free Nation-Wide DUI ...

DUI Checkpoint Refusal Retrial: preliminaries and sheriff obstructing subpoenas

Beginning of the retrial for Obstructing a Public Officer (SMC 9.03.020), for declining a warrantless search at a DUI roadblock in Sparks, Nevada. A letter from the ...

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Thanks to former sheriff’s deputy and Rule of Law Radio Show host Eddie Craig’s 2.5 hour presentation called “Secrets Police Don’t Want You To Know” at Secrets Police Don't Want You To Know the world now knows that: 1. The statement “driving is a privilege, not a right” is only true if the driver in question is a COMMERCIAL driver, and non-commercial drivers (including drivers under age 18) have the right to drive with no license, no permit, no insurance, no registration, and no license plate on their car whenever they please because non-commercial drivers are merely exercising their “right to travel/right to locomotion” when they use their own cars, bikes, watercraft, and flying machines for non-commercial purposes 2. It is impossible for a non-commercial driver to be engaging in TRANSPORTATION or be DRIVING because the legal definitions (and not the standard English dictionary definitions which are irrelevant) of those two capital words imply that they only relate to COMMERCE. This also means that it is IMPOSSIBLE for a non-commercial driver to be charged with DUI/DWI since the “D” stands for DRIVING, and it also means that that a non-commercial driver cannot be charged with TEXTING WHILE DRIVING for the same reason (although a non-commercial driver can be charged with non-transportation crimes like negligence, reckless endangerment, and property damage, and just because non-commercial drivers are not required by law to have insurance doesn’t mean they can’t be sued for causing an accident or using their automobiles in an unsafe manner) 3. It is impossible for a non-commercial driver to be OPERATING a VEHICLE because the legal definitions of those two capital terms also imply that they only relate to COMMERCE 4. The fact that TRANSPORTATION is a COMMERCIAL activity means that it is ILLEGAL for law enforcement personnel to pull over, stop at checkpoints, or issue transportation law tickets to non-commercial drivers. Transportation laws only apply to commercial drivers, period! Law enforcement and government personnel say that they are issuing tickets to non-commercial drivers in order to “keep the roads safe,” but this is an outright lie to conceal the fact that the real reason they break the law in this regard is to GENERATE REVENUE. If it had to do with public safety, then they would make you retake the driving test every time your license expired, which they don’t. And besides, having a piece of plastic in your wallet or a sticker on your car windshield or a metal plate on your car trunk IS NOT gonna make you any more or less safe than not having those things. Don’t get me wrong, everyone who uses the roads for commercial and non-commercial purposes should feel a moral obligation to use the roads safely, but that doesn’t change the fact that transportation/driving laws only apply to commercial drivers. Oh, and Eddie Craig’s transportation stop script for what to say to the cops if they pull you over or stop you at a checkpoint, courtroom script for what to say at trial if they try taking you to court, and red light camera letter to avoid paying red light camera tickets can all be found at //logosradionetwork.com/tao/ Now that I have informed you about this, I would like to ask that you folks please help me in my crusade to spread this info like wildfire on a global scale.
Now if I could somehow detect which is the "original DUI arrest vid", I might eventually discover the link you refuse to provide. BTW, the first two "DUI arrest" vids I've searched (in your uploads) do not contain a PDF link. Perhaps with lots more of my time and some dogged determination, I will eventually locate the mystery vid which contains the secret link. It's always tons of fun when someone gives a wordy scavenger-hunt type answer when a direct answer is way easier for everyone involved.
S O !!!! Was it REALLY worth it ?. Were you drunk ?. This is proof that not all cops are going to let SHIT like this, go. They will be assholes and arrest you just to ruin your life, pissing them off is NOT good. Like all politicians, to be a cop, you first have to be a real DICK. Then you must be willing to lie under oath with your hand on the Bible. And you MUST be as crooked as your " Brother In Arms ".
IDK if it's my settings/computer or what . I Cannot axcess the "links/pdf files etc.. that you say are in the original video.. I did find them but I cannot open/axcess them ??? Anyone have clue why or whats going on? (feeling Stoopid lol but not soo lol Help..?
Dude was pissed, having some sheriff functionary obstructing service of subpoenas for a case that had already been remanded once. He got one of the witnesses in even though she was supposed to be in Elko (3 hrs away) that afternoon.
Hahaha, that was nice. F U sheriff. I am glad the judge saw through the crooked tactics of law enforcement. He should take note to make sure this isn't a regular pattern of unethical, illegal, and immoral tactics.
People posting videos MUST post follow ups of some kind else be responsible for driving viewers crazy. You're doing a great job. I hope it all turns out all right for you.Citizens together, protecting one another.
It's crazy that this story actually happened, so I'm happy for you that you managed to get all the audio and video that you did. I hope this retrial went your way. Looking forward to the rest of the audio.
Awkward. lol. Thanks. May you serve as an example for all other videos of this type, and may I serve as an example to read the description before posting like I did.
All I can see here is a Crooked Sheriff Dept. will not follow procedure. AKA stonewalling, The case should be dismissed. With prejudiced.
It's all detailed in the description of the original DUI arrest video, including a link to PDFs of court decisions.
Dude.. .you rock... I love it when the judge says - The author of this letter is not correct... hahahaha!!!!
It is a trial, which is a retrial from the case remanded on appeal. Oct. 23, 2012
I found them. Searched on the primary part of the title to this video. Thanks.
I'd like to attend your court appearances if you let me know when they are.
I hope things go good for you brother. don't let the pricks get you down
Is this the trial or is it a retrial? When did this occur?
Bravo your Honor...good call....crooked sheriff's dept...
should have said I motion to dismiss at 6:18
Ok, wait a minute. Can you link the original?
So, what was the end result?

Robert Trudell finishes DHS Checkpoint Refusal, programs path to Buckeye Police Department, GP010200

Robert Trudell finishes DHS Checkpoint Refusal and programs path to Buckeye Police Department, GP010200, Columbus Day Voyage 2015, 12 October, Gila ...

Las Vegas Nevada DUI Discussion: are DUI checkpoints constitutional?

Las Vegas Nevada DUI Discussion: are DUI checkpoints constitutional? //www.lasvegasnevadadui.com/ In this video senior member of Boundless ...

User Comments

A check point is not the same as "being pulled over". Check points is what Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union did. They demanded your papers without cause. This violates the 4th amendment to the constitution. It is not a violation of that amendment to pull a person over that is driving eratically as do drunk drivers do. If a person is driving drunk and they cause a death in an acident then they should get the death penalty. THAT IS JUST AND A GUARANTEED DETERENT WITHOUT TAKING AWAY FREEDOM.
It's easy to catch drunk drivers. They drive bad they are all over the road. It is not lawful to check everyone like NAZI Germany. US Constitution 4th amend. "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Sorry buddy, but drunk drivers kill people. If they had no worries of being pulled over, I believe more people would drink and drive.
This is the same guy who has a vid on the SC authorizing impeachment of the pres ! LOL
you didn't pay attention to the video. thanks for the comment though.
Driving is not the problem. Drinking alcohol is.
DUI check points are totally unconstitutional.
You so get it.
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