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Pepperdine university black student association Videos

Dr. Cornel West on Solidarity

On Solidarity: Breaking the Shackles of Capitalism and the Occupy Movement Dr. Cornel West will be taking the audience through a reflection of the meaning of ...

User Comments

Wonderful, Dr. West. Thank you to Students United in Representation of Latin America, Black Students Association, and Kings University Students Council. Yes, Dr. West is prophetic and makes the biggest impact on me as a undergraduate university student from Winnipeg. It's very very important that Dr. West has spoken in Canada and that he gets more chances to speak to young people up hear. It is desparately needed to hear the truth in plain speech in these dangerous times of challenging dilemmas
Awesome video. One quibble: at 30:07, he says that "last year, 93% of all income went to the top 1%". Actually, 22% or 23% went to the top 1%. Still a stunning figure, but not quite as insane. In 2010, 93% of all income *GAINS* went to the 1%.

Racism at Purdue

Purdue University Police are following up on a racist note that was written on a whiteboard at the Krannert Library. This is the second such incident at the ...

Loyola Law School BLSA ThxGiving '15

Loyola Law School Black Law Students Association Thanksgiving Celebration 2015.

Tiffany Southerland L'11 on the Importance of Student Organizations at Penn Law

Tiffany Southerland L'11, former president of the Penn Law Black Law Students Association, speaks about the professional and practical benefits of participating ...

Title IX Graduate Student Diversity Forum

The GradPost is happy to share with you a portion of the talk given by two lovely women, Kayla Smith and Dr. Rebeca Mireles-Rios from the Gevirtz Graduate ...

User Comments

I find it ironic how they said 'students of all types' and 'we've all had different experiences,' yet they had no presentation from people negatively affected by Title IX, namely men, who've been denied the opportunity to play college sports due to the men's teams being disbanded in the name of this sexist excuse for a law. If I was accepted to Columbia University, what would the implications of Title IX be for me?
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