This is my beatiful Suzuki moped! It is from 1985 and totaly standard. It starts every time, first time. Even when its cold. It goes about 30-38 km/h on a daily base.
Hey Nice video. Vi er i gang med at lave en af de hurtigeste Suzuki dm50
eller rettere sagt den hurtigeste der nogensinde er lavet.. projektet er
lige startet for 1 lille uges tid siden og kommer nok til at strække sig
over 4-5 måneder. der vil blive lavet vlogs og lagt billeder ud af Sauraien
som projektet nu skrider frem. Du /i er meget velkommne til at abonnere og
følge med i projektet. MVH Suzuki Click Shift.
They are made in Austria... and i never buy/trade anything with defects :-)
And i think it is a cool moped. But my Suzuki does not have any defects,
and i have hand-polished the hole thing, so it all is in perfect condition
:-) though in the exhaust the pipe broke, so i got it a new one, also a new
Hehe... If it is tuned, then there is not a chance mate ;-) My Suzuki is
totally legal and original. I like the Juvel, and i think it looks almost
as good as mine, but, this is my first moped, and i wont let it go :-D
sorry mate!
okay men thansen delene ruster i løbet af ingen tid har et blink lys på fra
thansen og det er godt igang :D men min har så kun gået lige knap 10000km
og den er 17 år gammel :D men hvor bor du henne af i danmark??
Oh i mean it can stand water... but it may just take a little extra effort
to get the thing started... normally it start every time. Also is you Puch
in good shape... is it defect in any ways?
I'm sorry, but i would not take a million dollars for my baby... but i
would still like to here, what you might give if i where to seel it(sorry
but no way i'm selling this beauty ;)
Sounds cool... but i do not know if i want to sell my Samurai... though i
may be getting a very very rare Casal EFS-301m - a former police
motorcycle(50cc) that was used in Portugal.
Min er 27 år gammel, og jeg kan altså ikke se noget synligt rust:D den er
nu også blevet pakket godt ind med noget olie, så den holder den fine
chrome over hele vinteren ;D