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Junk my car inland empire Videos

white/gmc amrep garbage truck pt. 2

enjoy. thanks to the driver.

User Comments

Wow awesome video. WhiteGMC Rail Arm Amrep Fantastic. It's really cool that you got a lengthily video of this truck these things are going pretty fast. I would love see more if possible :) Also what city is this?
this was in san jacinto, i now live in riverside so getting more soon is unlikely. thanks man.

Eco trees saved Nissan Leaf

My car says this when I turn it on.

User Comments

Very nice. How do you get that information to display in the car? I have a new 2016 Leaf. Thanks.

Christmas 1992 - Tuning up the FM Transmitter at the New House

My cousin Kevin and I are in the process of providing excellent FM Radio programming to Rancho Cucamonga the Inland Empire on 106.3 MHz with an FM-10 ...

User Comments

Oh cool, Rancho Cucamonga :D

Nissan LEAF eco trees upload

My car gives me tree icons when I drive well, then uploads them to the cloud. Then brags about its carbon savings.

#CarFood on 10 15 15 at 11 32 AM - Conscious Companies - Third Paradigm

Welcome to #CarFood! CarFood is a trek I share with you through a year of living in my car. There are lots of great reasons to live in your car. To quote Jan ...

2013 GMC Terrain Denali AWD 3.6 salvage repairable wrecked (Description.)

IEUA's Fuel Cell Dedication in Ontario California

Inland Empire Utilities Agency signed a landmark 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with UTS to install, operate and maintain a 2.8 Megawatt (MW) fuel ...
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