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Weather honolulu gyms Videos

New gym opens in Kakaako

Kakaako fitness is a new gym that comprehensive approach to getting in shape and feeling good about yourself. Subscribe to KITV on YouTube now for more: ...

'Superbug' Infection Can Be found In Day Cares, Gyms

An antibiotic resistant staph infection is killing tens of thousands of people in this country every year. Ashton Bonds, 17, died from the so-called superbug in ...

Honolulu Club shuts down

Even though members knew the club was going to close, Wednesday's sudden shutdown of the longtime gym left some scrambling.

Gym OOTD {Style Sunday} |Katie Snyder

Check out my online beauty store: stores.ebay.com/BeeDazzledBeauty My Blog: KatieASnyder.blogspot.com My website: www.BeeDazzledBeauty.com ...

User Comments

Great video girl!! I also make fashion and beauty videos! (:
+ThefashionbyCS Thanks, i checked out your channel and Subscribed...I'm loving your Spring Outfit Collab video. 

Delays, Changes Plague City Gym, Fire Station Projects

In Ewa, changes and problems at two city projects - including a new gym - lead to months worth of construction delays.

small tornado at Alaska-Viking Gym in Mambaling Cebu City

small and was not that clear but it took off the Gyms roof and the neighbors too..

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