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Mt charleston nevada temperature Videos

Mt. Charleston (the way back)

MyFord Touch Perfomance Update: Temperature and Phone Contact Issue

Updated successfully with MFT Update Performance files, but now when starting car 1.A/C comes on and fogs windows. 2. Phone doesn't download phone ...

User Comments

when you install the upgrade/update + A4 this things requires patience. no pulling fuse no door opening while its updating. I did my update myself now my focus is in perfect condition no error quick and very responsive and I love it. gps/phone/usb audio/climate temp are all responsive no glitch just perfect. no patience= error
Waiting for the flash drive gets you the same result. A buggy MFT update. Its all over youtube.
This is what happens when you don't wait for the Ford sent USB stick!
You gotta hit the Power button for climate

After Charleston, US gun control still unlikely - Highlights

Subscribe to our channel //bit.ly/AJSubscribe Americans are once again mourning the victims of a mass shooting. President Obama has expressed the ...

User Comments

USA: Ignorant society so murderous society. (United States of Assassins.) More guns, more homicide. //www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/
+1911GreaterThanALL Be as belligerent as you like. Cherry picking raw data simply isn't honest. Nor are any of your other lies, cowboy.Science isn't wrong; you are, and you're getting people killed, but like a tyrant you don't care.Rationality and honesty - try them, cowboy.
+1911GreaterThanALLCherry picking raw data makes you dishonest.There's science that you simply can't get around, so accept it before you get yourself or someone else shot, cowboy.If you continue to lie, I'll simply block you, so piss off and read the science I linked to and stop wasting your time displaying such dishonesty and wanton intent to get your countrymen killed.A gun only has one function, you know that already, so stop trying to compare a gun to things its not. You can't have tanks; that's a fair comparison, cowboy.
+StikibitsThe FBI's raw data has a simple line graph showing a DECLINE in the raw numbers of shootings both random and mass in scale.They don't need to do science when the raw data speaks for itself.How is it cherry picking when it is the data that you brought up?If your problem is that the people with the statistics are not doing science then what about the CDC's findings?  They do science and the assumption that they are men of science.  Why are their findings wrong?You know an argument has nothing to stand on when the person arguing their point throws personal attacks in with it.I smell Ad Hominem.It is ironic you bring up ignorance and dishonesty.If you are so concerned about preventable casualties of people going about their practices and wish to correct those dangerous behaviors then shouldn't you be visiting:1) Tobacco products?  Tobacco products alone kill more through medical complications than guns injure or kill combined.2) What about alcohol?  Alcoholic beverages contribute to various negative consequences resulting in injury or death and it is fully preventable.3) What about something as hilarious as diabetes?  More Americans die from diabetes than all guns.4) What about medical malpractice?  Still outranks our gun death rate alone.  I'm not even talking about medical casualties in this topic.5) Car accidents resulting in injury and/or death also trump gun casualties.6) Big pharma kills or seriously injures more people than firearms as well.  Serious willful side effects kill and injure more than guns.ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE PREVENTABLE AND KILL AND/OR INJURE MORE AMERICANS THAN GUNS DO!
+1911GreaterThanALL The FBI don't make the conclusions you claim, as they don't do science, and they don't claim to.The FBI collects raw data, that you're cherry picking...because you're an ignorant and/or dishonest person that doesn't care that his beliefs and  practices are getting his countrymen shot, maimed and killed to the tune of 80 plus every day.
+StikibitsDo you consider the FBI's Uniform Crime Report as non-credible source?Do you consider the CDC's reported findings non-credible source?Seems to me I have cited two government produced and supported statistics that completely negate any argument that mass shootings have increased or any shooting for that matter.Are shootings high in a vague general perspective?  Yes they are.  They are in DECLINE.What sources are you using claiming that mass shootings or shootings in general are on the rise?Enlightenment is very vague I no longer believe in a God so I guess I am enlightened and are using those rational reasoning skills.As for democracy I vote out any rep not in favor of my point of view on an issue so there is democracy.
+1911GreaterThanALL ALL you can do is BS that you can't support with any credible sources...like an ignorant and murderous tyrant...because you are.Enlightenment, democracy and rationality- try them.
+Stikibits If anything the over reporting of mass shootings has helped the pro gunners such as myself:1) It has woken up the public to the possibility of an unconstitutional confiscation and forced increased sales of privately held firearms. Obama has done more to slacken gun control than any lobbying group could.2) Along with trying to impose ridiculous gun control such as expensive mandatory insurance, mandatory gun safes, or any other way gun ownership can be restricted to only the rich then people will vote for less hands down across of America due to the fact that the ratio of working to non-working people is at an all time low since the early 80s people can't afford gun control.3) Ironically, those 31 mass shootings are LESS than mass shootings since 92 by 50% also compared to random shootings involving 2 or less people.4) There has only been 1 constitutional carry state since the 1800s and now there are 9 states in which constitutional carry is the norm:a) Min age of carry and possessing of a non-nfa regulated firearm is 16 years of age for handguns and longarms.b) May carry into schools or otherwise prohibited areas in other states with no licensing process.c) No restriction on method of carry of any type of firearm - licensing process or not.5) Other miscellaneous gun laws being passed also include but not limited to:a) Open carry being put into more and more states either through unlicensed carry or licensed carry of an openly carried firearm.b) Protections about reasonable search and seizure - open carriers and concealed carriers of firearms.c) Government partially paid for firearms legislation in a few states.6) So if we are seeing a decline in both mass shootings and random shootings in the wake of less restrictive gun measures on law abiding citizens then why are gun homicides specifically (as well as general homicides being in decline - violent crimes as well) still showing decline on the UCR and CDCs findings?
One failed attempt at a shoe bomb and we all take off our shoes at the airport. 31 school shootings since Columbine and no change in our regulation of guns.
+David Markarian Born and raised. Morally opposed to incessant gun violence every single day. 
+Eero Haapala That stat includes gang violence. The average American lives a safe life compared to the rest of the world. Of course black gangs in the inner cities kill each other every day. Its obvious you've never been to the USA.
+David Markarian Dozens of patriotic 'Mericans are Second Amendmented to death per day. Because freedumb!
+Eero Haapala No they don't you idiot.
+David Markarian In 'Merica, the mentally ill don't have access to healthcare but they do have unmitigated access to lethal firearms. Thanks NRA! #Freedumb  
+Eero Haapala So some Muslim shoe bomber with a bomb is the same as someone with a gun? Makes perfect libratard sense LMFAO
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