Street Workout with Friends - Shaked Hulio Songs names in order: Pound The Alarm Now - DJ M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. & !PVNDEMIK Elysium - Mendum Instagram: ...
Brüssel, Islam, Multikulti, Terror - Die unterbewußte Programmierung
induziert schizophrene Züge.
Gegen Brüssel(EU), für Multikulti-Terror ?
Für Brüssel(EU), gegen Multikulti-Terror ?
Gegen Multikulti Terror, gegen Multikulti ?
Viel Spass bei der Logik, entweder man hat Zeit darüber nachzudenken oder
eben nicht...
was mit den Event-Konsumenten (Massenmedienkonsumenten) damit gemacht wird.
(ähnlich wie beim "eine Armlänge Abstand - Köln" wobei Armlänge verboten
ist...also berühmte Gruß, dem Gehirn ist die Bezeichnung egal - so
induziert man auf neuronaler ebene Schizophrenie - Anleitung zu etwas
was verboten ist. )
Ein Punkt der fehlt bei der Abhandlung - Was es eben mit der Masse macht.
+oafoch gsogt genau genommen ist es flächendeckender (und wortwörtlicher) mindcontrolwahnsinn für die masse der menschen. denn es werden über das von dir genannte hinaus auch noch all die ereignisse mit den terroranschlägen vernetzt, die dem "einfachen volk" spaß bereiten und breiten raum in deren freizeit. (und gedanken-) gestaltung einnehmen. #terror bei olympischen spielen in socchi #terror beim länderspiel frankreich vs deutschlandbeim neurolinguistischen programmieren nennt sich sowas "anker setzen". die "lustvollen" dinge ziehen also fortan, nach so einem ereignis, stets schwingungen an den terror mit sich, bewusst wie auch unbewusst ^^ und das, ohne dass sich die leute dagegen wehren können. also eine klassische PsyOP#psychologische kriegsführung gegen das eigene volk
Unsere Gesellschaft muss "offener" werden , diese Anschläge sind Schuld der
Wir müssen nach jedem Anschlag mehr aufnehmen, es ist unsere Pflicht
SAUGEIL "bamkraxler " xDDD
+WatschnbaumEs ist im Grunde nicht wichtig, was wann geschah, denn dann verheddert man sich im Grunde wieder in Nebenschauplätzen, was wiederum natürlich durchaus gewollt ist... weil Religionen an sich nur deshalb (durch den satanischen Geist) entstanden sind, um Menschen von Gott wegzuziehen. Aber das weißt du eh bereits. Satan ist auch ein Durcheinanderbringer und Manipulator - er versteht es vortrefflich, Menschen beschäftigt zu halten, damit sie am Wesentlichen vorbeischiffen. Er torpediert stets Gottes Ratschlüsse mit den Menschen.Aus dem Grunde habe ich mich nie ernsthaft mit der Geschichte Roms befaßt, sondern eher oberflächlich. 70-80 % dieser Kirche sind z. B. babylonischen Ursprungs. Ganz nach der Vorgehensweise Satans: Ein wenig Wahrheit vermischt mit sehr viel Lüge. Spätestens dann, als ich begriff, was Religionen sind und wozu sie installiert wurden, wandte ich mich lohnenderen Inhalten zu. :-)Ergo: Die Hure Babylon (lt. Bibel) sind alle Religionen dieser Welt, und die werden gerichtet. Darum steht in der Schrift, man solle sie verlassen, und zwar zügig, wenn man nicht teilhaben will an ihren Sünden. Hier hast du noch einen Link zu einer Ausarbeitung spez. zur Kath. Kirche:// gibt dort noch wesentlich mehr Aufsätze dem Thema entsprechend, alle habe auch ich noch nicht studiert.
+WatschnbaumGern geschehen.Du siehst also, dass dieser Papst die wahre Bedeutung der Fußwaschung nicht kennt. *ggWenn er schon physisch fremde Füße wäscht, sollte er ausschließlich die der Heiligen waschen und nicht irgendwelche. (Heilige sind lt. Bibel die wahren Kinder Gottes).Und die geistliche Entsprechung scheint er offensichtlich auch nie verstanden zu haben.PS. Er scheint im übrigen eine Art Fußfetischist zu sein: Vor kurzem wusch er Kindern die Füße.
+Watschnbaum Der letzte Papst, ein Jesuit. Und ich würde mich nicht wundern, wenn ihm eine ganz scharfer Musel ihm bei einem solchen Ritual die Kehle...
+Watschnbaummich wundert gar nix mehr , jeden tag eine neue abstrusität, schlimmer als die am tag davor. Da muss man ja sarkastisch und mit zynismus reagieren sonst wird man noch zu einem breivik
+Deutschland das Land der Kämpfer Denke Du kannst Russisch. Schau Dir das an:
Opie With Jim Norton - Jimmy HATES The Confederate Flag
Subscribe for more Show Updates. ---------- MP3 Version can be downloaded Here: ----------------- The Anthony Cumia Show: ...
+konatown5 No, it's not true. Specifically, your description of it is not true. The claim that his wife was unfaithful in their marriage may be true, but your description of it is just a reflection of you, not of him. You seem to think that nothing like this could ever happen to you, or that you are just generally immune to being taken advantage of. Someone will take advantage of you, and I hope you don't judge yourself as harshly as you are judging him. Take it easy.
I'm sure many people from the south don't see the confederate flag as
representing slavery anymore. They see it as a southern pride thing. And
hey whatever, but it's still stupid to use that flag. It's like using the
Nazi swastika for German pride and claiming that it has nothing to do with
Nazism. It's a bad symbol. And not only does the confederate flag represent
slavery, it is essentially a anti-United States flag. It stands for the
division of the states. It's just a shitty flag. Come up with another flag
for southern pride.
+JuggyBohab Of course people have used it for their own means and I definitely don't think it should be displayed on government buildings simply because that's not the flag of our government and it's the flag of a group that tried breaking away from the US. However, this overreaction by people who most likely have never been in the South saying that's all the flag is is just silly. I think the younger generation especially don't see any issue with the flag at all until somebody says they should have an issue with it. And of course people will jump at any chance at all to be a victim. I lived in the South and have family in the South. I had black friends and we'd see the flag on stores, our own state flag, bumper stickers, etc. and it was never an issue. Never brought up once. People who had the flag on their wallet, truck, whatever were totally cool with black people and again, it was NEVER even mentioned. I mean if it's such an awful symbol of racism, even as bad as the swastika like others suggested, do you really think it wouldn't be mentioned by anybody? None of the very black thugs I hung around with would say, "Hey white boy, what you doin with that flag?" Of course it would. I'm just sick of this country of fucking babies that actively seek to make themselves victims so they have a license to attack people mercilessly. It's disgusting as fuck, far more disgusting than a fucking Confederate battle flag could ever be.
+Johnny Cash i think the only thing that really hurts the confederate flag is that it was brought back into the public eye for racist reasons. the flag pretty much went away after the civil war but was brought back just in time for blacks to be integrated in white schools. it became a symbol of hate in the 60s the one caller pretty much verified that. that's really what kills the "southern pride" portion of it. you may want to claim that's all it is but when it was gone only to be brought back to taunt the blacks during the civil rights's hard to think it's there for any other reason.
+Junior Sanchez You didn't actually address my point at all and no, it's not a fair comparison by any stretch of the imagination. I knew all of that about the swastika and it doesn't change a thing and certainly doesn't make it a fair comparison to the Confederate flag. You're either ignorant on the history or downright dishonest to say it is. The NAZI party was racist at its very core and that flag directly represented the so-called "Aryan supremacy". The swastika to them represented their supremacy over the Jews. What on the Confederate flag represents slavery or supremacy over blacks? Nothing. Sure, the Confederacy was racist but everybody was racist back then. If you think we should throw out the Confederate flag then we should throw out our US flag as well because this country was founded by slave owners who never even considered allowing blacks to be citizens. Shall we change the flag every time our country does something we don't like? It's just silly. So, even if the swastika wasn't on the NAZI flag, it would mean the same exact thing. It's all about intent and the NAZI flag directly represents racism. The battle flag of the Confederacy was not made with racist symbolism in it. That flag was made simply because their regular flag looked too similar to the Union flag and they needed something to tell each other apart in battle. Sure, it was the flag held by people with vastly different views than our own but if we're going to get rid of every flag that was held by a group we didn't have the same views as, we wouldn't have the stars and stripes and many more all over the world.
+Johnny Cash The Swastika is an ancient religious symbol. It was not a racist symbol it was just adopted by the Nazi party n therefore it has the racism and hate that that group is known for and remembered by associated with it. Especially in the western world. The symbol itself is not racist but most of us perceive it as such. Therefore, it was a more than fair comparison to the Confederate flag...
+Ryan Ferretti I agree it represented a faction of our country that wanted to break away from the Union and for that reason it should not be on our government buildings' property but that's the only reasonable argument you can make. By your reasoning we should've changed the American flag as well because we slaughtered Native Americans and condoned slavery under it. They didn't make the flag going, "Okay, this flag is going to represent keeping those damn niggers under our boots". No, it was just, "This is our flag to represent the Confederacy and the South in battle." Did you even know that by the way? Yea, that flag was only used in battle because the actual flag that represented the Confederacy looked too much like the Union flag so they made a different one, the one you're talking about, to use in battle. Still, the fact that a country supported bad things doesn't mean the flag represents that. The NAZI comparison is silly because that flag actually was made with racist intent and has racist symbolism right on there. The Confederate flag does not.
The south would be systematically exterminated by the north what the fuck
is Opie talking about. Go to philly Boston Newark Newyork Detroit or Camden
and try telling me that the average person from the south would last five
fucking minutes
+I don't wanna name my channel Hahaha, gangbangers? Most of them are terrible shots, and good luck getting them all to work together. Most American soldiers are from the south, and most southerners learn to shoot properly from childhood. The only thing the north has to offer are cops and psychopaths.
Calistenia Brasil Tutorial #12 Planche
Começa agora a mais nova séries de tutorias do Calistenia Brasil , Nós iremos lhe ensinar do básico ao avançado passo a passo como conseguir fazer os ...
Cara! Valeu! Está dando uma força para mim e para a galera que está
treinando comigo! Conseguimos montar um grupo aqui em Curitiba e você está
ajudando demais! Continue com este trabalho para fortalecer a epidemia da
Calistenia hahaha! TMJ! Fica com Deus
Vale lembrar que a planche NÃO é um exercício básico e que pode demorar um
bocado pra conseguir seguir as progressões. Aqueçam bem antes de começar a
treinar e não forcem demais, é um movimento que coloca um grande stress nos
tendões e no punho, vale muito mais a pena progredir devagar do que ter que
ficar parado por causa de lesões !
você sente algum incomodo quando faz a protração e depressão da escapula? Acho melhor você ir em algum profissional, um bom mesmo, hoje eu pago o preço por ter ido em um médico fuleragem que não soube diagnosticar o que eu tinha...
varia conforme objetivos pessoais, recursos disponíveis e características individuais (rotina, sono, dieta, tempo disponível, status de saúde). uma divisão comum na modalidade envolve realizar exercícios "de puxar"(puxadas na barra) em um dia e exercícios "de empurrar" (paralela/flexões) no outro, sem esquecer do dia de membros inferiores.
Calistenia Brasil #Atleta Luiz Otávio Mesquita Calisthenics / Street Workout
Super Strenght, Luiz Otávio Mesquita evolution of 2 years doing Calisthenics / Street Workout, Brazilian 23 Years Old Praticante de Calistenia a 2 anos, este ...
manooo preciso da sua ajudaaa !!! meu peito do lado esquerdo é mais
deselvolvido que o direito ou seja, assimetria muscular como corrigir ?
preciso da ajuda de vcs.
+riquelme vinicius tenta fazer as progressões da flexão com uma mão, eu fiz isso pra corrigir alguns desequilíbrios q eu tinha, faz uma repetição a mais pro lado fraco