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Brown university ballet Videos

Fusion Dance Co. 31st Annual Show Promo

Don't miss Fusion's 31st Annual Spring Show! Friday 2/21 8 PM Saturday 2/22 2 PM & 8 PM Alumnae Hall @ Brown University Buy tickets for $5 in JWW ...

User Comments

this is so purty that i have no clue why yall don't have moar views

Breezeblocks - Brown University: What's on Tap?

Choreography: Rachel Cohen Music: "Breezeblocks" by alt-J Performers: Hannah Acheson-Field, Brian Cohn, Emily Doglio, Indy Prentice, Sage Snider, Mac ...

Cirque du Soleil's Debra Brown "Brace Yourself" featuring Luminario Ballet WDA 2013

For more info about Luminario Ballet go to www.luminarioballet.org. Welcome to the World Dance Awards, the premier international dance award show ...

He Lives in You - Attitude Dance Company, Brown University

User Comments

best dance company ever!
typical? typical what?

Tips for Children's Ballet Classes : The Best Ballet Class Size for Kids

Children's Ballet Tips and Advice; learn from a professional ballet dancer the best class size for your kids in this free video clip. Expert: Linda J. Brown Contact: ...

User Comments

I teach several dance classes, and for creative movement I had 18 girls last year and only 7 this year as they were all old enough to move up a level. I find it was much easier with more girls as the girls who have behavior problem follow the girls who listen and are very well behaved. With a smaller class it's harder for the one or two hyper ones to see the difference between themselves and the other girls. Most studios should have mirrors and the teacher should be able to see all the dancers
@kuldkullake I myself hate to even require the services of a high school assistant in my class, but I only do so when I hit a number of about 10 and obviously it varies with age, skill level, and what the students in each class are like. This example in this video is certainly unecessary. I also agree with the rest of your statement. I cannot stand when parents think I'm their childs babysitter! The worst is when I don't know how to discipline a child due to fear of an angry parent.
I agree for the most part, there should be a cap off for class size, however, there should also be one on the other end. For little children, especially just starting out with social skills, it's crucial there are enough children there that they can learn to interact and make friends at this age. It's all a balancing act I think, and varies with age, but yes, you don't want too many kids to a class, and you don't want too few!
Be careful, small class size isn't always a good thing. Just like large classes aren't always a bad thing. How many assistants are in a class? Is it an adult or high school student teaching? Is the studio set up where mirrors allow the teacher to see every student even when her back is turned? Go observe a class. What is the perfect class size for one instructor isn't practical for another.
I feel 14 is good. The older they are, the more you can have b/c of discipline and maturity. I do agree that if you have 2 or 3 hyper ones in a class of only 8, they are more likely to take over and lure the other ones into acting bad also. But if you have good classroom management skills, you can handle most 3-4 yr olds.
depends on the age of the students, as well as teacher's ability to control the class. some classes with small numbers do well, but too small lacks energy. it all depends...and also a lot on how the teachers manage the class. no fixed rule, just class dynamics.
it is best if there is 20 i think or more it should be at least 20 people at my dance class every class has that or more people except the like 3-4 year olds i think possibly the 5-6 year olds but i think the 5-6 year olds might have 20 or more not sure
¡¡ miren esto son ejercicios fundamentales para el buen desarrollo del cuerpo en la hora del baile... muchoo de esto ya hicee hasta cansarme pero creanme es bonito !!!! agradable.... [RYM]
): i wish i started young!!! when i was that age i didnt even know about ballet! im 15 and really want to be on pointe but ive only had about 3 years of bad school dance classes ):
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnntttttseeeeeeeeannnyyyyttthhhhaaaaaaannnnggggg daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnngggggggggg?!?!?!?!%^&^^*&*
i would always go with a small class for the tinys i would not put more then six in a class and for inter and adva no more then 10
@OrangeKittehXx im gonna start ballet to in a two weeks but i wish i started earlier so i can be on pointe too :(
i think about 6-7 kids are good. we are 6 in my class and we're ok =D I go to RAD (Royal Academy of Dance)
There are 5 in my class and one of the girls might be coming up to our class later in the year.
There are like 18 people in my ballet class including me. age is 9-18 years old.
My ballet class has four students in it, including me. My studio is very small.
im going to start ballet but im really nervous that i wont do good any tips?
that is sad i would switch places or help your teacher get more students
@iriszkovacs I go to Legacy Studios for the Performing Arts.
@kiharatsu What's it's name and where is it?
i have 2 including me in my class :D

Tips for Children's Ballet Classes : Tips for Children's Ballet Instructors

Looking for the best ballet dance instructor? Learn what to look for in picking a professional ballet dancer to teach your kids in this free video clip. Expert: Linda J.

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The most important thing is that your children is learning dance safely and properly, not whether the waiting room is comfortable and the teacher has newsletters. You could have a teacher who is a fantastic communicator with parents but is not a quality dance teacher.
all these videos are really helping me!! thanks!
all ages can do this but 3 and 4 should not do
troppo piccole per lavorare alla sbarra!!!!!!

Tips for Children's Ballet Classes : Tips for Ballet Class Dressing Rooms

Advice for finding a reputable ballet class studio for your children; learn the dos and don'ts for ballet lessons in this free online video from a professional ballet ...

User Comments

On the contrary, I can see where they're coming from. I wouldn't want little kids to have to use really gross dressing rooms/restrooms. They don't have to be spotless, but it should still be decent. It is easy for children to get sick, so it should not be taken lightly.
i love the curtans, it's ian curtes's banner. joy devision. . .
true that. this video is pointeless. (bad pun intended)

Tips for Children's Ballet Classes : What Age Should Kids Start Ballet?

Enrolling your child in ballet? Learn the best age to begin ballet classes and lessons in this free video clip from a ballet instructor. Expert: Linda J. Brown ...

User Comments

I LOVE that you mentioned that some studios don't necessarily have "ballet". I'm putting that in quotations, because some that list ballet classes, actually only include some basics for the little kidos, and then try to call lyrical class ballet for the older students. Because of this issue, I was enrolled as a child in a studio such as this, and had to go through the hassle of starting at a new one at age 13, and not beginning pointe work till 15 because I had so much catching up to do!
@nennienens yes, ballet does require a certain amount of strength. You don't necessarily have that strength when you start, but you build to it in training. People say ballet is no fun because of the strict rules of how your body should be placed at all times, but I have always found it fun and challenging :D
When you look at a studio, look at the dancers. are they happy? do they look healthy? are they considerate to the teachers? etc. the studio might let you watch a class, which is the best. Here is what I have to say to some previous comments: if you don't like ballet, why did you watch the video to begin with?
Ballet is Extremely HARMFUL to the Body, DEFORMING to the Joints, Ballerinas have highest rates of Anerexia, Arthritis, Neurosis, Injuries Lowest incomes
last time i heard ballerinas had like .... strong bodies. Doesnt it require strength sometimes to do what they do? i think so. lol
@nennienens, ballet requires a great amount of strength physically and mentally every second that you are dancing.
@MsSupahstar Anorexia=Not eating. So they don't eat anything to look like bones.
Umm...you didn't answer the question in the video's title lol.
I started at 2 and a half and am now a great dancer. :D
this video said nothing about age... wth!!!!?
i started when i was 4 .
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