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VEDA! Get to Know Ben Hughes

IMPORTANT SURVEY -- //obh.me/H7Ubsc Welcome to the first video of Vlog Every Day April! In today's video you'll get to know more about my life, ...

User Comments

OH! I will! What's the Facebook link? Feel free to post it on facebook-dot-com-slash-obviouslybenhughes so i can find it! :D And as for the bullying, I totally agree. I just wish I had learned the concept of "being awesome" earlier than in college. Honestly I don't think a lot of people realize how much DFTBA has meant to my life, or how much it's helped me stay positive. After all, that's the whole reason why I have the initialism tattooed on my leg. :)
Yeah, it was definitely some of the worst taunting I ever received. I don't know if you have the product in Sweden, Martin, but there's a muscle relief cream sold here in the US called "Bengay." Naturally, that become my least favorite thing to hear as I walked through the halls. But, just look at me now. I'm successful, and where are those kids? Still back home, not accomplishing much of substance. I think we all know who came out better from it all. :]
I've considered it, but I think I'm happier sticking to BlogTV. I've created a good working relationship with the team over there, and although it's not the BEST of sites for live streaming, the system works for me and my settings have been finely tuned over the years of using it. I kind of dread switching to another site and making a lot of my viewers sign up for yet another streaming service, when we can just use BlogTV. Thank you for watching!
You and Lauren should join the Veda 2012 Facebook Page! Its cool because you get to find a bunch of new YouTubers and to get your name out there. Also, I know your pain about bullying. Mine was mostly 5th-7th grade, and I barely got through that terrible time of my life, but those time made me a better person. Learning to be awesome because other people are not sucks, but in the end is cool. :)
@ObviouslyBenHughes Just posted it on your page! Believe me as a person who has struggled with depression for a long time, I know what you mean. The vlogbrothers and nerdfighters have created such an amazing place to realize that we are okay, and not the gay slut ugly freak the assholes at school kept trying to say we were....I might actually make a Veda video about this!
Thanks guys!! I never realized how much I've done. And I mean that doesn't include the radio show I hosted for ten years with my dad... or the year that I toured the northeast US with a marching band doing color-guard/drill team rifle work... or anything YouTube related, really... hahaha now I just sound like I'm making crap up. LOL
I like how my Internet is down for two days and I miss the epic-ocity that is more Daily Ben videos! So hype for VEDA now! Best believe I will be watching these everyday in class. Go Team Ben! An occasion such as this deserves a Turtle March and some Southern Comfort haha...
Kind of crazy, right? I'm constantly amazed at the fact that I'm so tiny on this site, yet so many people in the higher rankings know who I am. I guess I have my natural marketing skills to thank for that? Or maybe it's just because I like making friends... haha :)
I was the exact same in school, really hated it too, I even did line and salsa dancing for a while (and once square dancing but I won't get into that), but that didn't go to well but I liked it all the same. Great video!
One word; Wow. I never knew how successful you actually are Ben! You've been through a lot. Im sure you'll be even more successful in the future as well! Glad you're doing VEDA! This is going to be fun :D
Thanks so much! The shirt is actually for YouTube's "Life In A Day" documentary. I'm in contact with YouTube to hopefully get another so I can give it away during this month!! :D
Huzzah for VEDA :) btw love your computer setup behind you dude :) "next 5 minutes..." 7 minutes later hahahaha :P Also I love how you put VEDA in Obvedasly Ben Hughes Logo :)
Haha, yeah... most people say that :P But then I get on the ground and do a split or something and their minds change kinda quickly. LOL Thanks for watching!
things we have in common: middle school was also the worst time i've ever had in school, and i live about 15 minutes from the cape. we should get married XD
Thank you! And I don't think of it as success, really... I just think of it as awesome stuff that I see/learn about and think, "I wanna DO THAT!" :)
Great job Ben! Keep up the awesomenesssssss! Kick ass and take names with VEDA! Oh, and by the way, the outro stuff all works reeeally nice! :)
I don't think I ever would have pegged you as a dancer. Learn something new every day. :D Looking forward to your new project AND VEDA!
I hate it when they call me gay, when I'm not. Thank you for sharing Ben. I now know you way more. Keep the energy up. Let's do this!!!
RIGHT!? I really love it... just enough of a dance music kick to grab people and get them pumped - hopefully for another video of mine!
YOU MAKE ME SO FUCKING HAPPY BEN. ahahha. :] This video made me smiiiiiiillleeeee especially the outro music ;D
Good to know so much about you Ben. Looking forward to watching you in VEDA Very cool Tee also. Wherefromplz?
I've never had a problem with bullying, even though I seem to be a perfect "victim" for it, it never happend.

3 people die and 12 nursing injuries after 5 vehciles crash at Sachangwan

3 people died instantly at Sachang'wan in a crash involving five vehciles. Twelve others are nursing injuries in Molo Hospital, some of them in critical condition.
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