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Intel ssd with skull Videos

Nuevos Intel X25-M SSD de 120GB

Intel lanza su nueva línea de discos SDD de 120 GB Fiabilidad y rendimiento, el cielo es el límite!

Minecraft - Attack Of The B-Team Ep 46 - "The Evil SKULL Witch Lair!!!" (B-Team Modpack)

Show our Modpack some LOVE! Leave a LIKE on this video! :) In this episode...we fall further down the Witchery rabbit hole, and I show you where i'm gonna ...

User Comments

i don't know how i should fell about G doin witchery :(
i know
You don't have to if he wants to he can
GennerickB, if your gonna use your magic to defeat ChimneySwift, then the only way is to become witchy friends. When he shows you all you need to know, then use all you powers to kill The NSFYWitch. He will be waiting for you.................
you realize he reads these comments too lso chim will keep some good powers for himself also chim is sooo far ahead of him
When you get better upgraded in witchery, you and chim should team up against pungence and skyzm.
BTW I did notice
I know that...but it would be cool to see 2v2 AND have witchery
Umm if u haven't knowticed Chimney isn't really one to team and if they did that would kinda ruin the fight since chimney is so powerful by himself and gennys already teamed with the pung and skyz
r u gunna team with chim,the nsfy witch?
He's planning on fighting him so I would guess not
Please don't do to much witchery, i find it a bit boring
Also, that is a really old joke,I think people have gotten over it now
Yeah she kinda is, but don't go hating me, i like witchery, it just gets repetitive, BTW you spell it mum not mom
Your mom is boring!!!
Texture Pack? plz
Mama always said "witchery is like a box of chocolet, you never know what you get"
I wonder how many people will get that reference

Ich habe noch nie einen besseren Skull gesehen!!! - UsedomLP - german - HD

User Comments

Du warst bei mir in einer Runde und ich bemerke es nicht xD
+Rabea Artz ok danke ;)
+Usedom letsplayer Mache ihn heute fertig guck in den nächstenStunden einfach mal auf meinem Channel vorbei :)
+Rabea Artz Ja gerne ich brauche mal wirklich einen neuenIch würde mich freuen wenn du mir einen neuen erstellen würdestDanke schon im voraus ;)
+Usedom letsplayer Falls du mal nen neuen Banner brauchst schreib mir ein Kommentar :)
+Rabea Artz xD
I see like shit
ich geb dir gleich skull endlich wiedern Lp :)
+Fc Bayern Fan Danke für den Skull

Intel NUC Skylake NUC6i5SYK has arrived

The Skylake i5 NUCs have arrived.

Booting from SSD

Intel DP55KG "Kingsberg" skull :)

Intel DP55KG "Kingsberg" skull :)

User Comments

@drzmonkeyman15 I suppose there is but it would probably require a huge amount of intel motherboard knowledge and you would probably have to edit the motherboard's embedded settings or even wiring, so yes and no.
I cannot w8 for mine to arrive...
sick brah

Corsair Obsidian 800D Front Bezel Mod - Skull Crusher

In this video I show how I made a mod to the front door of the HDD cage on the 800D case. This is just a picture montage with me doing a voice over. Hope you ...

User Comments

amazing :).. oh i think you need to put he red LED in the Eyes :) should be awesome and scary ;) But i think in the dark people will see only 2 LED in the front and not whole the skull... so you can just put 6 LED there :D 2 eyes and 4 at the grill and than it all light's up and you clearly can see the Skull and those eyes :) and as MrRageaholic52 said it wold be awesome if the eyes LED could pulsate. you have made an amazing work and great ideas , keep it up :)
looks great lazyman. i am glad you said your going to add lights to it, if it were my project i would probably use el wire on the inside of the bezel and go around it a few times, or if i wanted to spend more time on it make it so it goes "across" the lines i guess of the grill, but that would probably be a lot more difficult. it looks great and i cant wait to see what you come up with.
I agree with another poster that the red led eyes that are HDD activity lights would be awesome. Would add even more to the atmosphere of the case :D That's gotta be the best mod I've seen on this yet. If not led eyes I think a subtle red glow from within the skull would be pretty cool as well.
great vid as always, i would say do the red led eye but only if u can light up the entire eye socket with a shroud around the leds or something, it would look weird with "eye balls" lol but def look mean with the entire eye socket glowing
modding the 800D is a superb idea. i think the case is super plain and thats the only reason why i dont wana buy it but if its modded like this thats the only reason why i would buy it. But it also would cost like extra 100$ lol
@RONLEEC1 You are so correct there my friend... LOL I know we need to catch up, maybe this weekend...because after that I am going to be working some crazy hours at work...If you got time this weekend shoot me a note.
@WestCoastMods Well, I am not re-building my system until next summer. In the mean time I need to make some cash. How much would it cost to mod the 800D so it looks amazing maybe something like the skull crusher?
this wasnt one of my favorite mods of yours, but its not totally terrible. i think it would have been better if the skull was painted on or made level with the case instead of popping out, but thats just me
Fanastic!! Truely another epic vid.What the video doesnt show are hours of planning and prep to achieve these fantasic results.Get your orders in now youtube while you can still afford his work.
@Xbox360KnowHow The intro is sound effects that I put together to create something that goes with the theme of the build. Don't forget to subscribe, final vid of this build is coming very soon.
@DarkMX1000 Thing are good...busy..sometimes to much anyway need to get over to your channel and see what I have missed....been to busy to watch any vids lately..... LazyMan
That looks fantastic! I think I'd put lights around the shroud. Either way you could look at either option. A long strip of single red LED's would be great in my opinion.
awesome stuff, thats real hard work and effort as always, i love watching your videos and your ability to do such things like this, so imaginative! cheers to lazyman!
Another awesome mod lazy man!! I totaly would send you stuff to mod for my case but i know you're too busy with all the grand projects u'r working on right now...
@cstrnutt2004 PM me with what your spec's are and what you want done... I will try to get back to you with a quote...may need a few days though.....very busy.
Awesome mod. It is really exciting to see this impressive mod, step by step. Thx for sharing your knowledge. Thumbs up and many greetings. FuenfamTag

つばさが15分PC自作に挑戦!『Intel NUC NUC6i5SYH』

インテルの超人気ベアボーンPC『NUC』(Next Unit of Computing)に、第6世代Core(開発コードネーム:Skylake)を搭載したモデル登場! 今回はその中で...

User Comments

結構簡単な自作PCなのですね。僕でも作れそうな気がします('ω') ただ、つばさちゃんのタイムには勝てる自信がありません(;´・ω・) だって、つばさちゃんはトラオブザトップですもの(´・ω・`)
+1匹のクマのチャンネル。 コメントありがとうございます!「とらおぶざとっぷ」今回はなれませんでしたが、次回自作する時にはなりたいですヽ(´Д`)ノ
+やす(o^-’)b コメントありがとうございます!ねじ山氏、そんなやわじゃないと勝手に思ってました(スミマセン)。そして、ネジザウルスという最強の相棒がおるのです(●´3`)
ナショナルユナイテッドコンピューターwwwwwwww 間髪入れずに言うなんてつばさ嬢さすがです!
+Do Doda コメントありがとうございます!「すげーやつ」=国際的なやつですよ(´∀`)!
+Hiroshi Sato コメントありがとうございます!ふふふふイッペイさんとは日常的にこんな感じです|д゚)
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