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beat the bailiff BEST EVER !

this bailiff came to the "mayors" house expecting an easy ride, this bailiff fails !!! BEST FAIL EVER !!! BEWARE OF THE MAYOR !!

User Comments

Hehe, just found my youtube notifications, frigging emails, wish they would give me notifications back in the little bell they used to have grrr, give me back pre-G+ YT ! Btw, here's my latest song, music and lyrics written by me, music played by me, vocals sung by my good friend Yansa Skip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDHtHwv3NmY
+mayorip The new youtube is a shitter, yeah, I'm well, off to Brighton on Monday for the night, hopefully it will be a fruitful trip for me, if so I shall be back there for a week or two 6-8 weeks later, been busy lately, many concerts to go to plus a recording studio in Walsall where I saw the worlds best guitarist (Guthrie Govan) for a tenner, well for nothing actually as my friend paid lol, but the tickets were only a tenner each for a two hour session with him where you get to chat with him, ask him questions about guitar techniques where he gives you lessons and tips and then he also plays a few of his songs (five in this session), I should be going to see YES in April but I guess I'll have to miss out on that along with a few summer festivals in May-July as I seriously won't be able to go after I get home from Brighton in 8 months time lol.
+Beija Flor i hate the new youtube, sad days. i'll check it out, hope you're well :)
Ha ha ha ha,your a fucking diamond ! lol.
+Jack Striker lol thanks mate :)
I'm sorry I might be seriously dumb but what the fuck happened?
+SocialjusticeWorrier He managed to get the signed receipt without paying, basically scammed the bailiff. Well the bailiff learned something. Never handout the signed receipt before you have the money...
Ha ha classic, Thank you.
+SocialjusticeWorrier someone knocked on a door
So if he has signed he is in the clear is that right ????
+Johnny English I didn't say it would work, I just said it would be suspicious for a receipt book to have a receipt ripped out, plus the duplicate/triplicate. It looks like he's written something on it after the incident so he's probably written void, and the debtor doesn't have the original paid receipt and if they really wanted to they could get a warrant to secure the cctv footage to show what happened.
+TheAussieStig30 Suspicion isn't good enough though. Watch Potholer54's video on the "scientific method". He explains it using the courtroom analogy.
+Johnny English most receipt books, or, all receipt books I've used in the last 20 years keep a carbon copy on the second sheet. If the carbon copy was removed it would be extremely suspicious to a judge and solicitor.
+Darwin My point is that it wouldn't prove that he paid.
+Johnny English That alone would be suspect The defendant solicitor could then ask many things because of this
+Darwin That would prove only that there is a page missing.
+Johnny English there would be a record number at the top of the page. Every page would have a number. If it when the to court and the bailif said he didn't pay. The defendant solicitor would ask to see the whole book thus showing said number is missing and proving he did "pay" and the balif would be fucked
+groovANDsooth He didn't get a copy of the receipt. So the part that he signed will probably have been shredded and put in the blue recycle bin.
hahaha :)
When you said "you lost it" I nearly did too ;-)
+groovANDsooth correct :)
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