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Baltimore city cop sleeping Videos

Baltimore Cops Murdered Freddie Gray By Severing 80% Of His Spinal Cord During Arrest

Baltimore police have suspended six officers after the death of a man who was injured while in police custody. Freddie Gray, 25, was critically injured after his ...

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Sandra Bland, Oscar Grant, Walter Scott, Kajieme Powell, Jason Harrison, Luis Rodriguez, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Rumain Brisbon, Ervin Edwards, Tamir Rice, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Darrien Hunt, John Crawford, Raymond Keith Martinez, Chavis Carter, James Boyd, Robert "Ethan" Saylor, Kelly Thomas, Cameron Redus, Anthony Hill, Tony Robinson, Dontrell Stephens, Manuel Longoria, Freddie Gray... R.I.P
What about the hundreds, if not thousands, of my fellow black men who were murdered by other black men...who cries for them, who protests for them ? Priorities my friend, priorities !
Police Academy USA : 20 Weeks Police Academy Germany : 156 Weeks 3 Years Police USA kills in 2014 : 2183 People Police Germany kills in 2014 : 6 People Thomas from Germany
yeah? Well does Germany have a population of niggers like USA does?
R.I.P. Freddie Gray you deserved some fucking justice and the most high is gonna deal with those racist polices that did this to you. 
+eric kirk Pass the Word my brother!
Also this stuff is happening to every race over here in the UK, the globalist wants 90% of humanity wiped out. We the people need to stick together, or nobody going to survive.
We all being oppressed, don't you get it. Obama is being a puppet to bring in tyranny, don't you get it. Stop shouting, by your way at looking at things you want people in my family to attack each other, as we all colours. Get a grip. There been slavery throughout all races even without white people.Checkout welsh history and how the welsh people been suppress to, we still fighting for our independence. So cut it out playing the victim.
Don't care who controls Google, your trying to divert from the information, NO OTHER RACE IS OPPRESSED MORE THAN BLACKS in every aspect of life. The numbers don't lie, done deal. THE RULING ELITES ARE WHITES, THE PSYCHOPATHS ARE WHITES, THE PUPPET WHITES WHO CLAIM THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM ARE ONLY SEEN ON YOUTUBE, WHAT REVOLUTION HAVE YOU HAD IN THE PAST 100 YEARS. I will check this guy out but come on man cut the bullshit. You can not stop these 'WHITE' people, look at CERN, no black people are working at that facility, The riots mean nothing keep your eyes on CERN.
Google (control nsa) It not just black issue as I know from personal experience I face with police on a regular intervals for standing against corruption all the time. The system is not aimed just at blacks to oppress, it also suppress all. My country Wales almost had its own language taken out, people beaten and so on is just barely surviving from oppressive means. We all under attack. Plus as well Martial law is getting ready in the wings to tackle everyone, there only one race and this human race which the ruling elites are trying wipe us out.We need to stop the psychopaths and people they control carrying out these dreadful actions. Checkout Thomas Sheridan and so on.
+YXANTENT WRONG, blacks are stopped more than any race in the UK, Google it!
I am still a a lost as to what this young man did wrong. Why were they arresting him? If I was a black man I would run in the opposite direction too. I am a white woman and I turn the opposite direction when I see the police just because they are bricks. They act like judge and jury. I am so hurt for this young mans family. This has become a problem in every community. People should be protesting.... I hate the violence thought. What does the future hold for youth. Sad so sad. I can't wait to see these police office go to prison. They will meet their maker when they get locked up.
+Marti Mayers Well said, I agree with you
This is not about black and white. This about cops against our black children. Man, where's the Black Panthers when you need them.
So many of you making excuses for these cops. Unbelievable!!! Walking, Marching and Protesting ia worthless! AN EYE FOR EYE!
white people condemned us for protesting because our people are being systematically killed, But no one says shit when white people burned entire black communities, Burned black owned businesses, lynched, Destroyed entire towns when their hockey team lose or wins.
+marc joseph I am white, but that means nothing, we are all humans & I agree with the protests, I wish I could be there with them. What happened is so wrong, I feel so sad for the black people in America, what future is there for them & their children. God bless them all. One Love

CAPE CORAL Florida Cops Beat Teen for Sleeping in Car; Detain Witness for Recording Beating

CAPE CORAL Florida Cops Beat Teen for Sleeping in Car; Detain Witness for Recording Beating https://www.facebook.com/Charlottecountyflcopwatch.

User Comments

i fucking hat police there such fuckers we should never have cop there biches
+Virginia Mione  Stay in school, and please learn english.
THIS is why cannabis should be legalized immediately. All these assholes have to say is they smell "weed" and they suddenly have supposed rights to detain and treat human beings like a piece of crap. fuk these cops
preachhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it brother,cape coral cops r corupt as hell,actualy all cops r
Cops like this deserve to be found in a ditch with a bullet in the head.
+Jeremiah Grimm No, they just need a lot more training.
this needs to be noticed
Cape Coral is a small town in the sense that there isn't very many people. These pigs have nothing better to do, and beating this kid makes them feel powerful. We need to start fighting back with force. Too many damn sheeple have been desensitized to having their rights systematically taken away little by little so they don't even notice what is happening. I wish everytime this happened a ton of armed citizens showed up to stop the tyranny and brutality. If we started doing this, it would not be long until we no longer had to fear this from those we pay and are supposed to work for and be accountable to us.
100,000 is a small town, sorry, I live in a city of 3million
Cape Coral has over 100,000 people in it lmao.
The video has text to supposedly describe what is occurring from friends of the one being arrested. This is in nothing more than an attempt to sway the viewer into believing the cops acted inappropriately . Stop breaking the law and fighting with cops and you will find that you can easily avoid problems with police officers. This is apparent even in the video when the one recording the incident is treated fairly and not hit, sprayed, or abused in any way. The ones we charge with keeping the peace already put up with too much risk to their personal safety as it is, and when attacked by a criminal who is committing a crime they are required to protect themselves and subdue the attacker. It is a tough job and I am thankful they do it well.
It's called being a witness.
+Salvador Rufus No he was treated this way because he was filming, and no other reason! Had he not been filming you can bet your sorry ass it would have gone much the same way as the beating victim.
You have no gag reflex for the police and eagerly swallow authoritarian c-ck. Pls punch yourself right in your ballz. Cheers.
And what imaginary crime did this guy commit? He was sleeping in a car. I'm sure that's not illegal to do unless you're drunk behind the wheel with the keys in the ignition. So again...where is the proof you have that this kid did anything whatsoever to be beaten so badly?
Really? Then why did they immediately come over to detain the guu with the camera. He wasn't close enough to interfere with them breaking the leg of the suspect (breaking bones=investigating). He didn't even get close enough to film it but as soon as the police saw they were being taped it turns into lets grab thia guy too.

CIMG0984 out of order daughter

Bail Bonds Man around Baltimore County MD | Where to get a Bail Bond near Baltimore County MD

Sleeping Dogs Having Fun

First Encounter: Portland Police - Arrest "Is anyone perfect?"

User Comments

There are too many laws on the books already. Cops just make things worse by trying to claim that a scooter is a skateboard. They love to use the letter of the law when it suits them, but then they pretend that the letter of the law doesn't matter when it hurts their case. America isn't a free country anymore.
names and badge numbers please

Avett Brothers @ Baltimore Murder in the City 9/23/12

1112 156 pm police and fbi trying to get someone to kill me

Laila's First Snowfall of 2009

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