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Russell johnson real estate Videos

Boris Johnson's Penthouses for Oligarchs in West Hendon - Russell Brand Trews Reports (E12)

Russell Brand Trews Reports (E12) Sign the Petition here //change.org/westhendon John Rogers reports from West Hendon in the London Borough of ...

User Comments

I was concerned I wouldnt be able to sign the petition living in the states, but it did allow me to sign. It still shows 117 signatures needed. Over 13K have seen this video, let's sign for them guys! Best wishes West Hendon!!!
I have been away so only just read your request - begging your pardon!!
27 Dec 2014 — We reached 1000 signatures in just under two days! This is incredibly heartening for residents on the West Hendon estate who face total uncertainly about their future housing situation. Of course its not just the West Hendon estate that this is happening on. In Barnet alone there are 5 regeneration estates whose residents face similar fates and across London there are hundreds of what Eric Pickles refers to as 'brown field' sites ripe for social cleansing and gentrification. These are estates where generations of families have grown up, with rich, diverse and strong communities. It is only through direct action and people power that we can force a u-turn on these devastating housing and planning policies that are seeing low income families forced out of London to be replaced by by to leave rich investors. Homes are for living in not for investment. We say 'Public Homes not Private Profit!'Thanks for your support. Please keep sharing!Help us reach 2000 by New Years day.
Truly fucking outrageous. The change.org petition doesn't work though
I think it's fairly recent that they have become this level of sneaky but it's probably a symptom of governments plans getting blocked by "do gooders" too many times. So they naturally find ways to draw power away from people who care for the poor or abused.Bad times but I do believe it will change. I simply don't think it will be soon.
+W Bond Aus isnt as bias towards poor people as it is Muslims and Indigenous, also they dont really care about the environment here. but no one cares if your homeless, its pretty shit, and getting worse, but our leaders and liars and uncaring, yours seem more sneaky and corrupt
By all means, sign the petition, doing that is better than doing nothing.All I'm saying is the structure of power in the UK makes everyday people powerless unless they are United against those in power.But currently in the UK there are large amounts of people who hate non Brits and other poor, minority groups (those with no power. So we are a divided nation. Perfect for the people with power.I'm happy that RB is not as defeatist as me but being brutally honest, I see little hope of change in the near future.Abuses of power such as this is likely to continue. I signed the petition because I guess I do have some hope...I hope the situation is Aus is not as fucked up as the UK. 
+W Bond thats pretty defetest, im in Aus, so your saying theres nothing I can do to help
+Mighty Ash nope, it does not. Only thing that works is pressure on those with power, there is no rules or laws that protect these people. They just have to hope the support they get will be enough to make some people with power don't want to get a bad rep. That's all they can do. We are all powerless unless united. And that is one reason why the powerful make sure we all hate others who have no power.Divide and conquer. 
but any petition that gets a certain amount of signatures has to be acknowledged in court... i think?
It's A young Bill Bailey!
+Dan Robards "young" - you're very kind

Is Boris Johnson A Bigger Problem Than Jihadi John? Russell Brand The Trews (E271)

A reaction to the news surrounding my Jihadi John Trews episode and Boris Johnson's views. Subscribe Here Now: //tinyurl.com/opragcg and send links to ...

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Russell Brand said "look at why they are violent in order to stop the violence". They are Islamic Jihadists that believe in a system that puts Islam first and everyone else second , it beheads unbelievers , treats women as slaves .
I'm sorry Russell but keep your ridiculous, pseudo-intellectual social analysis to yourself if you want to avoid this. You are just a rich, spoiled celebrity with fans who think you are far smarter than you are. You stupidly try to engender sympathy for murdering religious fanatics by saying they are victims of our society just like drug takers, heavy drinkers and, bizarrely, people who "vote for right-wing organisations". It is islam that is the cause of every Islamic terrorist becoming an Islamic terrorist. Ask them and they will tell you. Don't ask them and they will tell you. They shout it out proudly as they machine gun school children. To say that it is caused by the affects of a secular society is to attract the kind of ridicule that you get from those of us who are not swayed by your stardom. Stop pretending to know more than you do. You are a funny man who should stick to entertaining.
If it's islam which is causing all this than why aren't 1.4 billion Muslims doing it ?! Only few thousands of these terrorists which are paid in different times by western powers to either fight against Russia or to fight against Iran.Islam doesn't allow any sort of violence, it's forbidden, all these Wars are politically motivated, ISIS is not equipped with Muslim amunition, it has all US weaponary.80,000 Pakistanis have lost their lives due to terrorism, 1.2 million Iraqis have died, 90% of them were Muslims, still Muslims get blamed for all this terrorism. All would be fine if West keep their nose out from political matters of other countries.Peace
I blame Britain for permitting dangerous levels of Islamic immigration (2001 census : 2%, 2011 census : 5%).
+billiepipersteeth Better we let them die in the shitty countries that we engineered?Who set up Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, etc, etc.Bump you mate, i've got mine.
I would recommend Dune to everyone!.Its pretty much the unsung hero that influenced much of our favourite sci fi.,Star wars is basically a total rip off,even stealing scenes directly from Alejandro Joderowskis Dune story board,as did many films .They may have been different storys but so many scenes where picked right out of that story board and put in other films .Joderowski is this crazy film maker ,you just got to love him.He says every Movie is a work of art that is divine and a tribute to god. When he puts together his crew,actors,grafic artists,special effects guys,all of them he hunts them down and calls them his spiritual warriors.The only reason his Dune never got made is because he was so notoriously art house,and such an eccentric person the studio`s dident trust him .So I saw the holly mountain out of curiosity after watching the documentary about the best film never made ,Joderowskis Dune and it blew my mind.I`m not an art house fanatic but this film was something else,highly enjoyable and a little disturbing.Next im going to watch El Topo .Another one of his films that is said to be awesome(maybe tonight,shame we cant watch it together some how. Its so much more fun watching a film with 2 or more But Dune is great, even if sci fi`s not your thing.It tackles so many issues and creates a universe as waste as you`re imagination. Its said to be a hard book ,on par with high literature. And yes the first 100 or so pages are hard work ,but then when you get into it it`s really easy to read.You cant put it down. I think the initial difficultie adds to its enjoyment,because you`re rewarded for the work you put into the first 100 or so pages,it makes you feel kinda clever and good about yourself. Read Dune by Frank Herbert. This is something I would recommend everyone ,and I have been recommending it.I even got everyone I know a copy for xmass a few years back, Strange thing about recommendations is people don`t usually follow them up They`re loss though. Anyway here`s a link to Joderowskis Dune if you want to see it? It`s said to be in the top 10 films of 2014. It really is a great documentary. //putlocker.is/watch-jodorowskys-dune-online-free-putlocker.html Sorry A bout the rant but Dune gets me exited. I want to make the film in stop motion or animation,In the film he says go ahead make my version of Dune.I dont know if he meent it buy I would need a copy of thr story board,which could be hard as there are only 2 known copies,the rest lost in hollywood studios ,or more likely sitting on the shelfs of Speilberg ,Lucas and others. I need to contact Joderowski and ask him to reoroduce that story board(which btw is a massive and beautiful book) copy`s would sell like mad buy i guess money isent all he wants especialy now he`s in his 90s.Although he looks no older than late 60s 70, How do I contact such a man? I need a reproduction and the go ahead before I spend many years making this film. The first time I read the book all the way through(i got stuck at just under 100 pages 2-3 times before getting it) I wanted to make an animated film of this story,I almost feel like I am one of Joderowskis warriors. Iv always wanted to make animation ,my sister to shes very gifted. But Dune. I knew I was going to do something with it .Even to the point I wont watch any of the aweful series or film so it doesent warp my vision of Dune Dyu have any skills that could be helpful? Then join me as a spiritual warrior Im gonna google Joderowski now ans see what contact I can find. If you want to watch a fun film //putlocker.is/watch-jodorowskys-dune-online-free-putlocker.html let me know what you think Warmest regards mim
probably better suited to google chat.  But its relevant to most of you, its a great tip
A revolution is aching in my bones...i reckon if guns were legal in Britain, we would have had a revolt already.
There's no such thing as bad press. If you really think about it, by having the media publish and rant on about how outrageous your videos on Youtube are, it would drive a lot of the readers to log in and see for themselves. They'll then come to the realisation that they have been misinformed and lied to and learn from this very example, exactly how much the media controls the general public. If anything, I'd say that these companies are doing you (and us TREWS viewers) a massive favor by drawing attention to this channel and giving your videos more exposure. The more people that are enlightened, the better. Keep at it Russell, I think you've been doing a magnificent job and you're changing the world with every video you upload. With gratitude and respect, Blerta
+Blerta Dardani Not all attention is good attention.
Russell just a question: in regards to your revolution. You Stated you believe the best form of petition is to march the streets. Well id agree, that after all it is our last resort. But are you taking seriously the impending RFID chip that's being glamourised and will be more so glamourised In the coming months. Glamourised in the sense: It will be cool to have a linked bank account. It will be helpful to have your medical history at hand. No more missing children. No more tax avoidance. "Sounds good ay?" But Once we are all chipped we will lose the ability to protest in every way. So when your addicted to substance it's tuff shit your chip says no help its your own fault. Or you want to reveal sensitive government documents it's tuff shit. Or maybe you just want to live in a field and survive on common land (as promised my the king) Well it's tuff shit. Or you don't want to fund your country's Ill use of foreign diplomacy. Tuff shit your chip tell me your a ...........or somet. Governments should fear the people; not people fearing government. After all David Cameron is by definition the people voice: but as your know and say it doesn't reflect that if it ever did. So my point is once we're chipped we are truly back in slavery. And if your believe the purple robes we are all sinners and they must be controlled. We need to be protecting our own children and our right to protest at all costs. 
We are in slavery now. Debt enslaves us.!RFID has been talked about for years. they'll never implant it in everyone.

David Johnson & Leighton Avery Sydney Real Estate Agent Profile

Award Group Real Estates West Ryde and Carlingford offices are optimally positioned in the heart of the northern districts. The agency was established in 1998 ...

2312 Checkerberry Lane, Winterville, NC 28590

The Virtual Tour for the property at 2312 Checkerberry Lane, Winterville, NC 28590 selling for $167500: ...

Avoiding Failure as a New Real Estate Agent w/ Darren Stack

Here is what we covered with timestamps so you can jump to the section that most interests you: (5:52) Conflicting advice Darren received before getting into the ...

User Comments

awesome information! you guys are great! thanks :)
So much value in this Hangout! Thank you!
Still standing by.....
Great information
Monet eaves

The Revolt of Mamie Stover (1956) Part 1 of 6

Set in the early '40s, a San Francisco prostitute is run out of town just as the second World War has begun to intensify. Mamie settles down in Hawaii, hoping to ...

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love jane russell
+wilburbonzo Same, she was always a delight. Stayed active right until the end, last couple years she went back to being a brunette and still looked stunning.
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