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Hk infinity legend Videos

Red HK Infinity Legend!!!!!!!

I just fixed up this gun and it is really one of my favorite guns of all time.

User Comments

hey is it worth upgrading from the stock bolt to the soft touch? i have a legend too and dont know if i should get the soft touch bolt
its nice to have honestly but the stock bolt will suffice.

Infinity HK Army Legend

Infinity HK Army Legend. Having fun shooting PSP 3 shot ramping in my father-in-law back yard. Last load crappy old paint...Infinity Legend on sell $750 to $350 ...

User Comments

Really like a lot, cant play paintball that much, budget is very limited. Mike TechPb advice is to practice a lot, which good if you have the money to buy paintballs. To me this Army Legend is easy to point, to a line to your target. Not like my ION with Black Cell body. As far reliability it is very good, maintenance is very easy. I got this as a use gun. I thing was use on a tournament. There was couple ball breaking and I thing it need some tuning. Nothing major.
how do you like the hk?

HK Army with Legends at HB

HK Army Owning with the Infinity Legends. great guns. If you can, pick one up today!

User Comments

Anybody whos hating on HK Army shutup theyre a really good team I played against one of their players and I know 2 of their players and they are good
lol hk isnt agg. the skull with an x bones is for pirate.... butt pirate
when i play nppl i always get my gun checked, the whole tourney
no shit it took a long time its fucking huntington beach
depends on what you want it to mean and how you use it.
it does mean Fuck THe World in some instances...
what loader is he using is it a magna or a pulse
took way to fucking long to get into the play.
Its a quote for the fucking video. Fuck off.
it means free the whales :dodgy:
i kno this because i have both
uh guys whose guns r these?

HK Infinity Legend

My agg as hell infinity legend.

User Comments

@zaneharri ya V2 parts and a soft tip bolts
Smooth. You have the v2 parts in it?


HK infinity legend 15 BPS 300 FPS.

User Comments

Wow you have an HK Infinity legend? Isnt there only 25 in the world?
There are more then 25 they were just like an LE model

HK'd Infinity Legend Paintball Gun

Blue HK'd Infinity Legend, Cp reg, Cp on/off asa, Lucky barrel, 46/45 stubby draxxus tank, halo b hopper w/ rip drive, Shooting on Semi w/ Eye on.

infinity legend modes w/ Stinky

Stinky of team Faction shooting the legend and showing the modes, i LOVE the simulate mode, its fricken sweet.

User Comments

Legends are freakin sweet. I f you think they're loud, somethings wrong with you. I shot mine side by side a 06 Cyborg with 07 internals. I was muzzle loading and the Borg had a Vlocity on it, so there was nothing obstructing the sound waves coming out of the feedneck. guess what, the Legend was quieter!
lisen up people why but why you buy a gun at $790 yes is fast but try do that whit your paintball loader????? you cant because the faster loader is 45 bps you can get a rex r3 choker no more $450 or less 30bps get it !!!
damn that baby shoots like my ego!!! god damn that would be one great back up gun for me, great gun, and its simulate mode is pretty much the training mode on a ego, wow almost alike very nice.
jus wondering do u think a legend is worht the $500 without a asa ,,,also what is ur gun cronoed at because idk if its just the gun but that looks really accurate if u can pm plz thx
Ego is better, I had a V2 Legend w/ tadao m7...etc and my Ego was a lot faster but the legend was more efficient 1700vs2000shots per tank about
i just bought my infinity n its tooo sick ;] i also got a ego n angel rasta so yaww ;] the guys right how fast it loads it can shoot ;]
i second that...wtf are you saying..and legends are wayyy more durable sp yea go buy rex r3 and get it broken while sliding into snake
Hmmm thats a great gun.I myseflf am looking for a new gat,any ideas? Oh btw, he looks just like Serj Tankain from System of a Down.
sick man im getting one this saturday for like 550 with a stiffi barrel, cp reg, cp asa, and the colour is in cobalt!!!
well it depends r u getting the legend cuz of so then do it if u gettin the shocker then forget about it
I was offered A legend for my money, good deal? Help me out!! i dont know much about this gun.
Can this compete with egos and such for the 2010 season? Or is this more of a rec marker?

Infinity Legend Paintball Gun Review

Infinity Legend Paintball Gun Review.

User Comments

i just got this gun and first time i used it at the field it shreded paint, just ball break puluza. I was thinking Barrel so i used my friends spare G3 Barrel and basicly the same thing happened. So if any one has an idea to help that, new barrel? somthing with the settings?... plz reply. I also was thinking i Possibly had my hopper feeding too fast cuz i did a drop test with it before hand. so maby that? Once again plz reply, srry for the long ass comment lol
The vice is alot more efficient, quiet, and no kick at all..ive shot both guns numerous times. scale of 1 to 10. vice is a ten. infinity legend is a 7.
@lizardlover12 Eteks better but Legends a steal 4 $350. And it now comes with Infinitys A.S.A and the Tadao board already in it now
took 40 sec. to put the rear frame screw in holy shit. hand tighten it and then use the hex key and it will be much faster
ha florida's average temperature was colder than canadas this winter ehh ;) haha just thought i would let ya know mike :)
@15rednaruto SpecR shoots great yet efficiency is bad. Idk if they have got ups 4 it to increase that though.
Does it come with everything. Cause I checked it out it doesnt look like it comes with ASA and Macroline.
@15rednaruto just go with the dp g4. and techt bolt will increase accuracy, efficiency, and noise level.
if u show this to a girl she woud screw the barrel off and use it as a dyldo xDD
I found these on ANSGear . Is this worth upgradeing to from a 09 SLG UL? .
didnt you already do this review on the paintballtechpb channel?
7:00 he breaks balls 8:47 he says he never broke a ball with it
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