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Harding university orchestra Videos

Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Country Washburn vocal - Remarkable Girl (1929)

Wilfred Theodore Weems (originally Wemyes) (Sept.26,1901 - May 6,1963) was a United States bandleader and musician. Born in Pitcairn, Pennsylvania, ...

User Comments

Thank you for sharing this great Ted Weems post. Much appreciated.
I swear - TED WEEMS - what a national treasure!
Thanks: Brain needed this Treat again.
Thanks Again: My Brain enjoyed it.
This song is an instant classic!
Beautiful. Thanks.

Ted Weems and his Orchestra, Parker Gibbs vocal - The One-Man Band (1930)

Wilfred Theodore Wemyes (Sept.26,1901 - May 6,1963) better known as Ted Weems was a United States bandleader and musician. Born in Pitcairn ...

User Comments

So wonderful, but completely over-restored. The sound is totally dead.
Never heard before----very nice !!!

Ralph Vaughan Williams- Serenade to Music (UB Symphony Orchestra & UB Choir)

Serenade to Music, composed by Ralph Vaughan Williams, performed by the University at Buffalo Symphony Orchestra & Choir on April 23rd, 2014 at Lippes ...

User Comments

Tenor at 4:25 and following very impressive.Buffalo has an amazing musical culture. Often come from Toronto for the music and dram

My God is a rock

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