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Macy richmond mall ohio Videos

Vintage Otis Escalators at Macy's - Tri-County Mall, Springdale, OH

Those escalators are at one of those 4-level Macy's. The escalators themselves are very old, but those handrails are very new. You can tell because they're ...

Montgomery KONE Hydraulic Elevator at Macy's (Greenwood Mall)

2013 Parker Harless. Like and follow elevatorman247 Productions on Facebook and Twitter! https://www.facebook.com/elevatorman247 ...

Haughton Traction Elevators at Macy's, Oakland Mall

Westinghouse TRACTION elevator - Macy's - Monroeville Mall - Monroeville, PA

Dieselducy this is for you. He requested this video. Hope you enjoy and this is PROVEN traction Follow PAelevators on: Facebook: ...

User Comments

Nathan Davis said that you got stuck in this elevator recently. What exactly happened, and how long were you stuck for?
I did back in think it was November
I wonder what fixture originally
The mall opened in May 1969. I believe this store was not even built yet in 1963.
Actually it was installed in 1968-'69. Google it.
+Cherry City Elevators 1963
When was it installed?
+PAelevators I'm guessing they might have been the "Type-E" fixtures which were like the light-up "Type-A" fixtures but they were black and didn't light up.
+DieselDucy They had the Black Buttons. Thats what i been told

Schindler Hydraulic Elevator At Macy's At North Lake Mall In Huntersville

User Comments

@dieselducy Your right. This one does look really nice. Almost all of the department store elevators here in this mall are schindler except dillard's which has a kone.
Yaay Schindler!! This one is actually nice!

HD Retake of Montgomery Vector at Macy's SP Mall in Charlotte, NC

Finally got around to getting an HD Retake of this Montgomery Vector elevator at SouthPark Mall when we went to there last week.

Montgomery hydraulic elevator at Macy's at Oxmoor mall Louisville KY (Description.)

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